Punch her!
Drop the belt, take your top off
Get right in on her, get that top off
Fucking have her!
Straddle her, straddle her - strangle her
Louise, punch him
Punch him off the bed, punch him off the bed
Kill her!, fucking get in
Strangle her
Punch her
Get some blood on her
Get some blood on your hands, Lou
Right you gotta put her on the, on the cross
Drag her up on that cross
That's brilliant
Get, get the nails, get the hammer, near Mike
Thе thorns on, get the crown of thorns
-n, crown, quick, quick
Quick man
Get thosе nails in
And the other one
Get the hammer and then stab nails in
Crown of thorns, crow-
Unstack them, Jimmy, action in 3, 2, 1- action!
Camera, look down into the floor and then up at the lens
Put you hand up, and the fear, fresh
Nice, cut