I’d Do Anything For You
Half my life is spent wondering what to do
Or wondering where it went, or why I ever bothered to
At least a hundred times I've wondered why you're not here with me
Or if there's something I could do to make you wanna be
'Cause I'd do anything for you
But I can never thing of anything to do
But just tell me something you want done
I'll be glad to take it on
You could do that, couldn't you?
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you
If I could think of anything to do
I'm trying to think of more things within my means
Like maybe I could bore my way into your dreams
Elaborate gestures that impressed you so you'd want to be mine
If I knew what they were, I'd do them all the time
I'd do anything I could
But I can never think of anything that good
And I think it's pretty clear
That we'll just wind up sitting here
So try to be a realist
Sit down and write me a list of some
And I'll make sure that everything gets done
We've got some things to finish
That some pre-planning won't diminish
You know I love it when you take me to the top
And then you say, "Don't stop," so let's continue
Order anything on the menu
Did I mention that the power lies within you?
I'd do anything for you
But I can never think of anything to do
It may sound like empty words to you
But if nothing occurs to you
At least take off your wedding ring
I really would do anything for you
If I could think of anything to do