This Inhvman Place Makes Hvman Monsters
Here at the court of the Red Tsar
The Devil plays chess with Beria
This inhuman place
Makes human monsters
Trains full of corpses, love
Death and hysteria
This place shall be called
A cult of torture
A secret sect of sacred executioners
My Datsja shall be called
A house of prayer
Dissidents struck
By the lightning of the Moscovite Zeus
Bloody pen strokes
Feed the desk of mass murderers
Death of millions plotted
Under warm candlelight
This inhuman place
Makes human monsters
Trains full of corpses, fear
Death and hysteria
This place shall be called
A cult of torture
A secret sect of sacred executioners
My Datsja shall be called
A house of prayer
Dissidents struck by the lightning
Of the Moscovite Zeus
Amoral ambition, efficient execution
Cold witch-hunting mania combed
Through from west to east
Dangerous perfection, a spiritual decay
Connoisseur of funerals
Will lead the Reich astray
Violent retribution
Criminal aggression
Counter charging Soviet hordes fought
Back from the east to west
Blood-drunk red avengers
Ferocious as a dog
This inhuman place
Makes inhuman monsters