Johnny B

Rob Hyman, Eric M Bazilian, Rick Chertoff

Letra Tradução

It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems

Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B

And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
You're strung out again she's taken you over
You've been here before why can't you let go

Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B

And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Forever inside you wherever you go

Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B

Hey, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)

Oh, can't you see
Oh, oh Johnny B

Oh, can't you see

It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
É uma noite sem sono, ela está chamando seu nome
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
É uma viagem solitária, eu sei como você a quer
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
De novo e de novo, você está perseguindo um sonho, sim
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Mas Johnny, meu amigo, ela não é o que parece
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto há para ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Apenas abra seus olhos e ouça-me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Em frente, um sinal verde se torna vermelho
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, por que você não consegue ver, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
E quando você a leva para casa, ela está sentada bem perto
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
Ela te deixa fraco, bem, é assim que ela te quer
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Você está de novo viciado, ela te dominou
You've been here before why can't you let go
Você já esteve aqui antes, por que não consegue deixar ir
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto há para ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Apenas abra seus olhos e ouça-me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Em frente, um sinal verde se torna vermelho
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, por que você não consegue ver, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
E quando ela chama seu nome, meu doce Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Você pode dirigir a noite toda e você sabe que ela estará esperando
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Para te amar de novo, o beijo dela é seu veneno
Forever inside you wherever you go
Para sempre dentro de você, onde quer que você vá
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto há para ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Apenas abra seus olhos e ouça-me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Em frente, um sinal verde se torna vermelho
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, por que você não consegue ver, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
Ei, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto há para ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Apenas abra seus olhos e ouça-me (apenas me ouça)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Em frente, um sinal verde se torna vermelho
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, por que você não consegue ver, oh, oh Johnny B (sim)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, você não consegue ver
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, você não consegue ver
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
Es una noche sin sueño, ella está llamando tu nombre
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
Es un viaje solitario, sé cómo la deseas
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
Una y otra vez estás persiguiendo un sueño, sí
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Pero Johnny, mi amigo, ella no es lo que parece
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Cuánto hay por ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Solo abre tus ojos y escúchame
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Directo adelante, una luz verde se vuelve roja
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, ¿por qué no puedes ver, oh, oh Johnny B?
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Y cuando la llevas a casa, ¿está sentada muy cerca?
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
¿Te hace sentir débil? Bueno, así es como ella te quiere
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Estás enganchado de nuevo, ella te ha dominado
You've been here before why can't you let go
Has estado aquí antes, ¿por qué no puedes soltar?
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Cuánto hay por ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Solo abre tus ojos y escúchame
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Directo adelante, una luz verde se vuelve roja
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, ¿por qué no puedes ver, oh, oh Johnny B?
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
Y cuando ella llama tu nombre, mi dulce Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Puedes conducir toda la noche y sabes que ella estará esperando
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Para amarte de nuevo, su beso es su veneno
Forever inside you wherever you go
Por siempre dentro de ti, a donde quiera que vayas
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Cuánto hay por ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Solo abre tus ojos y escúchame
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Directo adelante, una luz verde se vuelve roja
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, ¿por qué no puedes ver, oh, oh Johnny B?
Hey, Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Cuánto hay por ver
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Solo abre tus ojos y escúchame (solo escúchame)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Directo adelante, una luz verde se vuelve roja
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, ¿por qué no puedes ver, oh, oh Johnny B (sí)?
Oh, can't you see
Oh, ¿no puedes ver?
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, ¿no puedes ver?
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
C'est une nuit sans sommeil, elle appelle ton nom
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
C'est un voyage solitaire, je sais comment tu la désires
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
Encore et encore, tu poursuis un rêve, ouais
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Mais Johnny mon ami, elle n'est pas ce qu'elle semble être
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Combien il y a à voir
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Ouvre simplement tes yeux et écoute-moi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Tout droit, un feu vert devient rouge
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas voir, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Et quand tu la ramènes chez elle, est-elle assise très près
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
Te rend-elle faible, c'est comme ça qu'elle te veut
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Tu es à nouveau accro, elle t'a pris
You've been here before why can't you let go
Tu as déjà été ici, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas lâcher prise
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Combien il y a à voir
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Ouvre simplement tes yeux et écoute-moi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Tout droit, un feu vert devient rouge
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas voir, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
Et quand elle appelle ton nom, mon doux Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Tu peux conduire toute la nuit et tu sais qu'elle t'attendra
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Pour t'aimer à nouveau, son baiser est son poison
Forever inside you wherever you go
Pour toujours en toi, où que tu ailles
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Combien il y a à voir
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Ouvre simplement tes yeux et écoute-moi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Tout droit, un feu vert devient rouge
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas voir, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Combien il y a à voir
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Ouvre simplement tes yeux et écoute-moi (écoute-moi simplement)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Tout droit, un feu vert devient rouge
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas voir, oh, oh Johnny B (ouais)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, ne peux-tu pas voir
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, ne peux-tu pas voir
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
Es ist eine schlaflose Nacht, sie ruft deinen Namen
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
Es ist eine einsame Fahrt, ich weiß, wie sehr du sie willst
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
Immer wieder jagst du einem Traum nach, ja
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Aber Johnny, mein Freund, sie ist nicht das, was sie scheint
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Wie viel es zu sehen gibt
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Öffne einfach deine Augen und hör mir zu
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Geradeaus wechselt eine grüne Ampel auf Rot
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, warum kannst du nicht sehen, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Und wenn du sie nach Hause fährst, sitzt sie ganz nah bei dir
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
Macht sie dich schwach, nun, das ist die Art, wie sie dich haben will
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Du bist wieder aufgezogen, sie hat dich übernommen
You've been here before why can't you let go
Du warst schon mal hier, warum kannst du nicht loslassen
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Wie viel es zu sehen gibt
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Öffne einfach deine Augen und hör mir zu
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Geradeaus wechselt eine grüne Ampel auf Rot
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, warum kannst du nicht sehen, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
Und wenn sie deinen Namen ruft, mein süßer Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Du kannst die ganze Nacht fahren und du weißt, sie wird warten
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Um dich wieder zu lieben, ihr Kuss ist ihr Gift
Forever inside you wherever you go
Für immer in dir, wohin du auch gehst
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Wie viel es zu sehen gibt
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Öffne einfach deine Augen und hör mir zu
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Geradeaus wechselt eine grüne Ampel auf Rot
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, warum kannst du nicht sehen, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Wie viel es zu sehen gibt
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Öffne einfach deine Augen und hör mir zu (hör einfach mir zu)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Geradeaus wechselt eine grüne Ampel auf Rot
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, warum kannst du nicht sehen, oh, oh Johnny B (ja)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, kannst du nicht sehen
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, kannst du nicht sehen
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
È una notte insonne, lei sta chiamando il tuo nome
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
È un viaggio solitario, so quanto la desideri
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
Ancora e ancora stai inseguendo un sogno, sì
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Ma Johnny, amico mio, lei non è come sembra
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto c'è da vedere
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Basta aprire gli occhi e ascoltarmi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Dritto avanti un semaforo verde diventa rosso
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, perché non riesci a vedere, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
E quando la riporti a casa, si siede molto vicino
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
Ti fa sentire debole, è così che lei ti vuole
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Sei di nuovo in crisi, lei ti ha preso
You've been here before why can't you let go
Sei già stato qui, perché non riesci a lasciar andare
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto c'è da vedere
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Basta aprire gli occhi e ascoltarmi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Dritto avanti un semaforo verde diventa rosso
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, perché non riesci a vedere, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
E quando lei chiama il tuo nome, mio dolce Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Puoi guidare tutta la notte e sai che lei sarà lì ad aspettarti
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Per amarti di nuovo, il suo bacio è il suo veleno
Forever inside you wherever you go
Per sempre dentro di te, ovunque tu vada
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto c'è da vedere
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Basta aprire gli occhi e ascoltarmi
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Dritto avanti un semaforo verde diventa rosso
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, perché non riesci a vedere, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
Ehi, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Quanto c'è da vedere
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Basta aprire gli occhi e ascoltarmi (solo ascoltami)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Dritto avanti un semaforo verde diventa rosso
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, perché non riesci a vedere, oh, oh Johnny B (sì)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, non riesci a vedere
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, non riesci a vedere
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
Ini malam yang tak bisa tidur, dia memanggil namamu
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
Ini perjalanan yang sepi, aku tahu kamu menginginkannya
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
Lagi dan lagi kamu mengejar mimpi, ya
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Tapi Johnny temanku, dia bukan seperti yang kamu kira
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Betapa banyak yang bisa dilihat
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Buka matamu dan dengarkan aku
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Lampu hijau di depan berubah menjadi merah
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, mengapa kamu tidak bisa melihat, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Dan saat kamu mengantarnya pulang, apakah dia duduk sangat dekat
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
Apakah dia membuatmu lemah, itulah cara dia menginginkanmu
You're strung out again she's taken you over
Kamu kembali tergantung, dia telah menguasaimu
You've been here before why can't you let go
Kamu pernah di sini sebelumnya, mengapa kamu tidak bisa melepaskannya
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Betapa banyak yang bisa dilihat
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Buka matamu dan dengarkan aku
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Lampu hijau di depan berubah menjadi merah
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, mengapa kamu tidak bisa melihat, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
Dan saat dia memanggil namamu, Johnny B yang manisku
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
Kamu bisa berkendara sepanjang malam dan kamu tahu dia akan menunggu
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Untuk mencintaimu lagi, ciumannya adalah racunnya
Forever inside you wherever you go
Selamanya di dalam dirimu, di mana pun kamu pergi
Johnny B
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Betapa banyak yang bisa dilihat
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Buka matamu dan dengarkan aku
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Lampu hijau di depan berubah menjadi merah
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, mengapa kamu tidak bisa melihat, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
Hei, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Betapa banyak yang bisa dilihat
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Buka matamu dan dengarkan aku (hanya dengarkan aku)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Lampu hijau di depan berubah menjadi merah
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, mengapa kamu tidak bisa melihat, oh, oh Johnny B (ya)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, tidak bisakah kamu melihat
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see
Oh, tidak bisakah kamu melihat
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
มันเป็นคืนที่ไม่มีการนอน และเธอกำลังเรียกชื่อของคุณ
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
มันเป็นการเดินทางที่เหงา ฉันรู้ว่าคุณต้องการเธอ
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
อีกแล้วและอีกครั้ง คุณกำลังตามหาฝันของคุณ, ใช่
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
แต่จอห์นนี่เพื่อนของฉัน เธอไม่ได้เป็นอย่างที่เธอดู
Johnny B
จอห์นนี่ B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
โอ้, ทำไมคุณไม่เห็น, โอ้, โอ้ จอห์นนี่ B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
และเมื่อคุณพาเธอกลับบ้าน เธอนั่งใกล้คุณหรือไม่
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
เธอทำให้คุณอ่อนแอ นั่นคือสิ่งที่เธอต้องการคุณ
You're strung out again she's taken you over
คุณติดอยู่อีกครั้ง เธอได้ครอบครองคุณ
You've been here before why can't you let go
คุณเคยอยู่ที่นี่มาก่อน ทำไมคุณไม่ปล่อยมันไป
Johnny B
จอห์นนี่ B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
โอ้, ทำไมคุณไม่เห็น, โอ้, โอ้ จอห์นนี่ B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
และเมื่อเธอเรียกชื่อของคุณ จอห์นนี่ B ที่น่ารักของฉัน
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
To love you again her kiss is her poison
ที่จะรักคุณอีกครั้ง จูบของเธอคือพิษของเธอ
Forever inside you wherever you go
อยู่ในตัวคุณตลอดไป ไม่ว่าคุณจะไปที่ไหน
Johnny B
จอห์นนี่ B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
โอ้, ทำไมคุณไม่เห็น, โอ้, โอ้ จอห์นนี่ B
Hey, Johnny B
เฮ้, จอห์นนี่ B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
เพียงเปิดตาของคุณและฟังฉัน (เพียงฟังฉัน)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
โอ้, ทำไมคุณไม่เห็น, โอ้, โอ้ จอห์นนี่ B (ใช่)
Oh, can't you see
โอ้, คุณไม่เห็นหรือ
Oh, oh Johnny B
โอ้, โอ้ จอห์นนี่ B
Oh, can't you see
โอ้, คุณไม่เห็นหรือ
It's a sleepless night she's callin' your name
It's a lonely ride I know how you want her
Again and again you're chasin' a dream, yeah
But Johnny my friend she's not what she seems
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
And when you drive her home is she sittin' real close
Does she make you weak well that's the way that she wants you
You're strung out again she's taken you over
You've been here before why can't you let go
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
And when she calls your name my sweet Johnny B
You can drive all night and you know she'll be waiting
To love you again her kiss is her poison
Forever inside you wherever you go
Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B
Hey, Johnny B
How much there is to see
Just open your eyes and listen to me (just listen to me)
Straight ahead a green light turns to red
Oh, why can't you see, oh, oh Johnny B (yeah)
Oh, can't you see
Oh, oh Johnny B
Oh, can't you see

Curiosidades sobre a música Johnny B de The Hooters

Em quais álbuns a música “Johnny B” foi lançada por The Hooters?
The Hooters lançou a música nos álbums “One Way Home” em 1987, “Greatest Hits” em 1992 e “Hooterization: A Retrospective” em 1996.
De quem é a composição da música “Johnny B” de The Hooters?
A música “Johnny B” de The Hooters foi composta por Rob Hyman, Eric M Bazilian, Rick Chertoff.

Músicas mais populares de The Hooters

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