Entenda a Letra

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Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

(Love Goes To) Building On Fire
(Nothing But) Flowers
(Nothing But) Flowers [DVD]
(Nothing But) Flowers [Lilywhite Mix]
A Clean Break
A Clean Break (Let's Work)
And She Was
And She Was [Extended Mix]
Artists Only
Artists Only [Demo Version]
Big Business
Big Daddy
Blind [DVD]
Blind [Vocal Mix]
Born Under Punches
Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)
Broken Things
Burning Down The House
Cities [DVD; Bonus Track]
City of Dreams
City of Dreams [DVD; Bonus Track]
Clean Break [Live]
Cool Water
Creatures of Love
Crosseyed and Painless
Desconocido Soy
Don't Worry About The Government
Dream Operator
Drugs (Electricity)
Electric Guitar
Electricity (Drugs)
First Week/Last Week ... Carefree
First Week/Last Week...Carefree
Found a Job
Found a Job [DVD; Live; Bonus Track]
Found a Job [DVD]
Gangster of Love
Genius of Love
Girlfriend Is Better
Give Me Back My Name
Happy Day
Hey Now
Hey Now [DVD; Bonus Track]
House Of Cards
Houses in Motion
Houses in Motion [Live Unedited Version]
I Feel It in My Heart
I Get Wild (Wild Gravity)
I Get Wild/Wild Gravity
I Want to Live
I Wish You Wouldn't Say That
I Zimbra
I Zimbra [DVD; Previously Unreleased Track; Version]
I'm Not In Love
I'm Not in Love [Alternate Version; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
In Asking Land
Lady Don't Mind [Extended Version]
Lady Don't Mind [Original Version]
Life During Wartime
Lifetime Piling Up
Like Humans Do
Listening Wind
Love --> Building on Fire
Love -> Building On Fire
Love for Sale
Love/Building on Fire
Making Flippy Floppy
Making Flippy Floppy [DVD]
Memories (Can’t Wait) [Live]
Memories Can't Wait
Mind [Alternate Version]
Mommy Daddy You & I
Mommy Daddy You and I
Moon Rocks
Moon Rocks [DVD]
Mr Jones
Mr. Jones
New Feeling
No Compassion
Once In A Lifetime
Papa Legba
Papa Legba [DVD; Bonus Track]
People Like Us
People Like Us [DVD; Bonus Track]
People Like Us [DVD]
Perfect World
Psycho Killer
Pull Up The Roots
Pull Up the Roots [DVD]
Pulled Up
Pulled Up [DVD; Live; Bonus Track]
Puzzlin' Evidence
Puzzlin' Evidence [DVD; Bonus Track]
Puzzling Evidence
Radio Head
Radio Head [DVD; Bonus Track]
Radio Head [DVD]
Road to Nowhere
Ruby Dear
Ruby Dear [Bush Mix]
Sax and Violins
Sax and Violins [DVD; Bonus Track]
Seen and Not Seen
Slippery People
Slippery People (Live)
Slippery People [DVD]
Slippery People [Live]
Stay Hungry
Stay Hungry [1977 Version; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
Stay Up Late
Stay Up Late [DVD]
Sugar On My Tongue
Swamp [DVD]
Take Me to the River
Television Man
Television Man [Dance Mix]
Television Man [DVD; Bonus Track]
Tentative Decisions
Thank You For Sending Me an Angel
Thank You for Sending Me an Angel ["Country Angel" Version; Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track]
The Big Country
The Book I Read
The Democratic Circus
The Facts of Life
The Girls Want To Be With the Girls
The Good Thing
The Great Curve
The Lady Don't Mind
The Overload
The Revolution
This Must Be The Place
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
Totally Nude
Totally Nude [DVD]
Ub Jesus
Uh-Oh, Love Comes To Town
Walk It Down
Warning Sign
Warning Sign [DVD; Live; Bonus Track]
What a Day That Was
Who Is It?
Wild Wild Life
With Our Love

Curiosidades sobre Talking Heads

Quais as principais músicas de Talking Heads?
As principais músicas de Talking Heads são “Psycho Killer”, “Once In A Lifetime”, “This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)”, “Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)” e “Burning Down The House”.
Quais os principais álbuns de Talking Heads?
Os principais álbuns de Talking Heads são “Psycho Killer - Single”, “Once in a Lifetime: The Best of Talking Heads” e “Essential”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de Talking Heads?
O álbum mais recente de Talking Heads é o “New Feeling : Live in Chicago, August 28, 1978”, lançado em 2017 com 17 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Talking Heads?
O álbum mais antigo de Talking Heads é o “Talking Heads 77”, lançado em 1977 com 16 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Talking Heads?
A música mais popular de Talking Heads é “Psycho Killer”, do álbum “Talking Heads 77”, lançado em 1977.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Talking Heads?
Entre 1977 e 2017, 28 Álbuns e 1 Single/EP foram lançados por Talking Heads.
Qual o significado da música “Take Me to the River”, de Talking Heads?
A música 'Take Me To The River', interpretada pela banda Talking Heads, é uma obra que explora as complexidades e as contradições do amor e do desejo. A letra, que parece falar de um amor que causa tanto sofrimento quanto paixão, utiliza a metáfora do rio e da água para expressar a necessidade de purificação e renovação. A repetição do refrão 'Take me to the river / Drop me in the water' sugere um desejo de ser limpo das dores e confusões que o amor traz, quase como um batismo emocional.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Take Me to the River”

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