Mad Ting
Hello? Blud
Does anybody know what's going on?
Hello, excuse me? Excuse me?
Yo, anyone know what's going on? Hello? Oi
Hello? Oi, what's going on? Can you hear
Can you hear me? I wanna hear it now what? I
Wanna hear it now what?
Right now what? Yo Swindle
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting
Trust, when the beat kicks in, it's sick
Pure-pure darkness
But man ain't gonna stop till the ravers quit
Man ain't gonna stop till the DJ faints
Pure darkness
Everybody knows my name, if not, shame
Trust, when the bassline drops, it's mad
Pure-pure darkness
Man have been about since record bags
Man have been about since cutting dubs
Pure-pure darkness
Everybody move with us, if not, dust
Jamie (mad ting)
You can definitely hear me, you get me?
(mad ting, bass)
Where are we going now? Where we going?
(mad ting) a bit of space (mad ting)
Give me some room (mad ting)
Get back, get back (mad ting)
Get back, listen to me (mad ting)
Mad ting mad ting
Trust, when you feel that vibe, it's hype
Pure-pure darkness
And man ain't gonna stop till
They switch on the lights
Man ain't gonna stop till the feds get here
Pure darkness
Gun fingers up in the air, if not, dead
Trust, when you drop this tune, it's nuts
Pure-pure darkness
Man ain't gonna stop till the music cuts
Man ain't gonna stop till they
Clear out the room, pure-pure darkness
Bop your head to the tune, if not, move
Hello? (mad ting)
Blud, does anybody know what's going on?
Hello, excuse me? (Mad ting) Excuse me?
Yo, anyone know what's going on?
(Mad ting) Hello? Oi mad ting
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting mad ting
Mad ting mad ting