Capable of More
I’m not here for you
(I swear to God I lay awake last night)
I’m not sure I’m even here at all
(Six straight hours thinking of you)
Every word you breathe sends me skyward and sore
(Turning, tumbling, spirallin’ up, spirallin’ up)
Every time you fall I end up between the ground and you
(I’ll mend what was broken)
Bruised but sometimes
(Then break just the same)
I end up with
(Bliss can be fleeting)
Something worth regretting
(But timeless is pain)
Something worth regretting
(Hope just to see you)
I’ll never sleep again for you
(Hope just to see you…again)
So I’ll ask you to leave
(I’m in love with the thought)
I'll ask you to leave
(I’m in love with the thought)
(I’m ready to fall, wonder if)
Can’t sleep, too many thoughts, you’re right, I’m wrong
Too exhausted to fight you on this
Do what you feel is right, I hate it
Getting’ close and burned is what I do best
Anyway, one more is ok
I’ve nothing to do but cope with the loss
(In love again)
(I’m ready to fall, wonder if)
Can’t sleep, too many thoughts, you’re right, I’m wrong
Too exhausted to fight you on this
Do what you feel is right, I hate it
Getting’ close and burned is what I do best
Anyway, one more is ok
I’ve nothing to do but cope with the loss