Lucifer's Rain

Narrator: “cnd the Lord spoketh unto Lucifer,”
God: “Whence cometh thou?”
Narrator: “With a laugh, Lucifer replied”
Lucifer: “I come from walking to and fro upon the earth - and up and down on it!”

Gather round children, a tale I'll tell
Of waking one morning To Lucifer's Hell
The rain was pouring, ever harder it fell
Drowning us it would not quell
On January 6th of 2021
Our kingdom was stormed, they'd pitchforks and guns
Middle-aged, old, and even the young
Parroting sound bytes, someone gotta get hung

We awoke that dawn somewhere outside
Feeling half dead and barely alive
Uneasy gnawing deep down inside
Lucifer's rain had just arrived
Into our mouths the rain did pour
Entered windows, seeped under doors
clternate facts, whack unabashed
Madness run amuck upon the moors

Hair combed over to hide the horns
Ill-fitting suits smugly adorned
We're out of the forest yet not in the clear
Of populist weapons; hatred and fear
What the world saw: an insurgency
‘Twas a revolution for some
To hell with democracy
That coup d'etat, what a sick outcome

Lucifer's rain, oh what a time
Soaked through the skin and into the minds
Demons summoned, eye of God gone blind
Obeying commands from a conman's mind
Cast from the kingdom without a crown
Gathered deplorables from farms and towns
To do his bidding, refused to step down
Transfer of power scorched, and burnt down

Now Lucifer's on trial, the gavel pounds
Court comes to order, his legion expounds
In the devil's defense, he attempts to confound
Corrupting truth, turning facts upside down
From the kingdom, Satan's been cast
The rain's now over, but will it last?
When evil's inflicted, damage is done
Remain ever vigilant, again Lucifer may come!

Shrouded in an cmerican flag and
Thumping a bible like it owed him money
That's the new sign and mark of the beast.
Look, over there, it's him, it's Lucifer!
He's back...

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