Woman Stand Up
Women stand up, stand up, for your right, get up stand up, stand up, for your right
Most people think women are inferior to men
No, no, no, no, we are all the same
Most people think women are inferior to men
No, no, no, no, we are all the same
The men think they are smarter than women
No, no, no, no, we have the same levels of thinking
The men think they are smarter than women
No, no, no, no, we have the same levels of thinking
You have the right to respect women my friend
Don't underestimate her because she can do what you do too
Don't underestimate her because she can do what you do too
She has the abilityto lead the greatest institutionsin this world
She has the abilityto lead the greatest institutionsin this world
Because God gave us the same ability the same potentiality
Because God gave us the same ability the same potentiality
Join forces with Star Feminine Band to conquer women's rights everybody
Join forces with Star Feminine Band to conquer women's rights everybody
She has the ability to lead the greatest institutions in this world
She has the ability to lead the greatest institutions in this world