Afn Boydm


Oyfen boydem shloft der dakh,
Tsugedekt mit shindelekh,
Un in vigl ligt a kind,
Naket gor on vindelekh.

Hop hop ot azoy
Est di tsig fun dakh der shtroy.
Oyfn boydem shteyt a vig,
Vigt zikh dort a shpin in vig,
Tsit er fun mir dos khayes oys
Un dem dales lozt er mir.

Oifen boydem shteyt a hon
Un zayn kam iz iz fayer royt.
Zol mayn vayb ergets borgn
Far di kinder a shtikl broyt.

Over the attic

Over the attic sleeps the roof,
Shingles guard it from the storm.
In the cradle there's a child,
Not a stitch to keep it warm.

Hop hop that's the way
The goat on the roof eats the straw away.
In the attic a cradle sits,
A spider rocks himself in it,
Sucks away my strength from me,
Sadness is what he leaves for me.
On the attic stands a cock
And his comb is fire-red.
May my wife go out and find
For the kids a bit of bread.

On the attic the roof sleeps, covered up with shingles, and in the cradle lies a child, naked, without swaddling clothes. Hop hop that's the way, the goat eats the straw from the roof. In the attic there's a cradle, and a spider rocks himself in it. He draws the life out of me and sorrow is what he leaves for me. On the attic a cock stands, and his comb is fire red. May my wife borrow somewhere for the children a bit of bread.

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