Entenda a Letra

Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

2 Chord
A Trophy Father's Trophy Son
Agree to Disagree
All My Heart
Another Day
Another Nightmare
Be Happy
Better Off Dead
Big Gulps Huh?... Well, See You Later
Blood Lines
Bloody Knuckles
Break Me Down
Broken Mirrors
Broken Mirros
Captain Tyin Knots vs. Mr. Walkway (No Way)
Christmas On The Road
Complete Collapse
Ctrl + Alt + Del
Dead Walker Texas Ranger
Déjà Vu
Do It Now Remember It Later
Do It Now Rememer It Later
Don't Fall Asleep at the Helm
Don't Say Anything
Don't You Ever Forget About Me
Don’t Let The Party Die
Doodle jump
Dying to Believe
Empire to Ashes
F**k You
Family Tree
Four Corners and Two Sides
Free Now
Fuck You
Go Go Go
Heaven Again
Here We Go
Hole in My Heart
How It Feels to Be Lost
I Need to Know
I'll Take You There
If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn
If You Can't Hang
In Case of Emergency, Dial 411
Iris (Live)
Jesus In The Southern Sky
Kick Me
Leave It All Behind
Left Alone
Let Love Bleed Red
Let You Down
Let's Cheers to This
Medicine (Devil in My Head)
Mr. Nice Guy
My Life
Never Enough
Never Turning Back
No Rain
One Man Army
P.S. Missing You
Postcards and Polaroids
Running Never Helped Anyone
Santeria (Live)
Save Me a Spark
Scene Five - with Ears to See and Eyes to Hear
Scene Five: With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear
Scene Four - Don’t You Ever Forget About Me
Scene Four: Don't You Ever Forget About Me
Scene One
Scene One: James Dean & Audrey Hepburn
Scene Three - Stomach Tied in Knots
Scene Three: Stomach Tied in Knots
Scene Two - Roger Rabbit
Scene Two: Roger Rabbit
Shadow Preachers
Stomach Tied In Knots
Talking To Myself
Tally It Up: Settle the Score
The Best There Ever Was
The Bomb Dot Com
The Bomb Dot Com V2.0
The Case
The Chase
The Girl
The Left Side of Everywhere
The Strays
These Things I've Done
We Like It Loud
Who Are You Now
With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear (acoustic version)
With Ears to See, and Eyes to Hear
You Kill Me (In a Good Way)
Your Nickel Ain't Like My Dime
Your Nickel Ain’t Worth My Dime

Curiosidades sobre Sleeping with Sirens

Quais as principais músicas de Sleeping with Sirens?
As principais músicas de Sleeping with Sirens são “If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn”, “If You Can't Hang”, “Scene Two: Roger Rabbit”, “All My Heart” e “Iris”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de Sleeping with Sirens?
O álbum mais recente de Sleeping with Sirens é o “Complete Collapse”, lançado em 2022 com 12 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Sleeping with Sirens?
O álbum mais antigo de Sleeping with Sirens é o “Sleeping With Sirens”, lançado em 2009 com 5 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Sleeping with Sirens?
A música mais popular de Sleeping with Sirens é “If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn”, do álbum “Sleeping With Sirens”, lançado em 2009.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Sleeping with Sirens?
Entre 2009 e 2022, 12 Álbuns foram lançados por Sleeping with Sirens.
Qual o significado da música “Scene Two: Roger Rabbit”, de Sleeping with Sirens?
A música 'Scene Two - Roger Rabbit' da banda Sleeping With Sirens aborda a jornada de autodescoberta e a importância de ser verdadeiro consigo mesmo em um mundo onde muitos buscam moldar você de acordo com suas expectativas. A letra sugere que a vida é repleta de pessoas que irão tanto apoiar quanto desejar o seu fracasso, e que é essencial não se perder nesse processo, mantendo-se fiel aos próprios valores e crenças.
Veja a íntegra do significado da letra da música “Scene Two: Roger Rabbit”

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