The River is Rising

Myles Richard Bass, Saul Hudson

Letra Tradução

Another fool for rage
Another truth betrayed
Another lackey out of line
Torture and rip-apart
What was the pure of heart
Poison the well and push the lie

All in the name of nothing
Have we been hypnotized?
No doubt the end is coming
We're out of time

Hang on
The river is rising
Hold strong
The tide is high
Will we drown in paradise?

Another wicked scheme
Another static dream
Indoctrination for the blind

All in the name of nothing
Have we been hypnotized?
No doubt the end is coming
We're out of time

Hang on
The river is rising
Hold strong
The tide is high
A promise gone

Seething raging from the heart

Hang on
The river is rising
Hold strong
The tide is high

A promise long gone
So don't deny it
A cold dawn is sure to rise
As we drown in paradise

Another fool for rage
Outro tolo para a raiva
Another truth betrayed
Outra verdade traída
Another lackey out of line
Outro lacaio fora da linha
Torture and rip-apart
Tortura e despedaça
What was the pure of heart
O que era puro de coração
Poison the well and push the lie
Envenene o poço e empurre a mentira
All in the name of nothing
Tudo em nome do nada
Have we been hypnotized?
Fomos hipnotizados?
No doubt the end is coming
Sem dúvida, o fim está chegando
We're out of time
Estamos sem tempo
Hang on
The river is rising
O rio está subindo
Hold strong
Mantenha-se forte
The tide is high
A maré está alta
Will we drown in paradise?
Vamos nos afogar no paraíso?
Another wicked scheme
Outro esquema perverso
Another static dream
Outro sonho estático
Indoctrination for the blind
Indoctrinação para os cegos
All in the name of nothing
Tudo em nome do nada
Have we been hypnotized?
Fomos hipnotizados?
No doubt the end is coming
Sem dúvida, o fim está chegando
We're out of time
Estamos sem tempo
Hang on
The river is rising
O rio está subindo
Hold strong
Mantenha-se forte
The tide is high
A maré está alta
A promise gone
Uma promessa se foi
Seething raging from the heart
Fervendo de raiva do coração
Hang on
The river is rising
O rio está subindo
Hold strong
Mantenha-se forte
The tide is high
A maré está alta
A promise long gone
Uma promessa há muito perdida
So don't deny it
Então não negue
A cold dawn is sure to rise
Um amanhecer frio certamente surgirá
As we drown in paradise
Enquanto nos afogamos no paraíso
Another fool for rage
Otro tonto para la ira
Another truth betrayed
Otra verdad traicionada
Another lackey out of line
Otro lacayo fuera de línea
Torture and rip-apart
Tortura y desgarra
What was the pure of heart
Lo que era puro de corazón
Poison the well and push the lie
Envenena el pozo y empuja la mentira
All in the name of nothing
Todo en nombre de nada
Have we been hypnotized?
¿Hemos sido hipnotizados?
No doubt the end is coming
Sin duda el final se acerca
We're out of time
Nos quedamos sin tiempo
Hang on
The river is rising
El río está subiendo
Hold strong
Mantente fuerte
The tide is high
La marea está alta
Will we drown in paradise?
¿Nos ahogaremos en el paraíso?
Another wicked scheme
Otro malvado esquema
Another static dream
Otro sueño estático
Indoctrination for the blind
Indoctrinación para los ciegos
All in the name of nothing
Todo en nombre de nada
Have we been hypnotized?
¿Hemos sido hipnotizados?
No doubt the end is coming
Sin duda el final se acerca
We're out of time
Nos quedamos sin tiempo
Hang on
The river is rising
El río está subiendo
Hold strong
Mantente fuerte
The tide is high
La marea está alta
A promise gone
Una promesa se ha ido
Seething raging from the heart
Hirviendo de ira desde el corazón
Hang on
The river is rising
El río está subiendo
Hold strong
Mantente fuerte
The tide is high
La marea está alta
A promise long gone
Una promesa hace mucho tiempo
So don't deny it
Así que no lo niegues
A cold dawn is sure to rise
Un amanecer frío está seguro de surgir
As we drown in paradise
Mientras nos ahogamos en el paraíso
Another fool for rage
Un autre fou de rage
Another truth betrayed
Une autre vérité trahie
Another lackey out of line
Un autre laquais hors de ligne
Torture and rip-apart
Torture et déchire
What was the pure of heart
Ce qui était pur de cœur
Poison the well and push the lie
Empoisonne le puits et pousse le mensonge
All in the name of nothing
Tout au nom de rien
Have we been hypnotized?
Avons-nous été hypnotisés ?
No doubt the end is coming
Sans doute la fin approche
We're out of time
Nous sommes à court de temps
Hang on
The river is rising
La rivière monte
Hold strong
Reste fort
The tide is high
La marée est haute
Will we drown in paradise?
Allons-nous nous noyer au paradis ?
Another wicked scheme
Un autre plan maléfique
Another static dream
Un autre rêve statique
Indoctrination for the blind
Endoctrinement pour les aveugles
All in the name of nothing
Tout au nom de rien
Have we been hypnotized?
Avons-nous été hypnotisés ?
No doubt the end is coming
Sans doute la fin approche
We're out of time
Nous sommes à court de temps
Hang on
The river is rising
La rivière monte
Hold strong
Reste fort
The tide is high
La marée est haute
A promise gone
Une promesse disparue
Seething raging from the heart
Bouillonnant de rage du cœur
Hang on
The river is rising
La rivière monte
Hold strong
Reste fort
The tide is high
La marée est haute
A promise long gone
Une promesse depuis longtemps disparue
So don't deny it
Alors ne le nie pas
A cold dawn is sure to rise
Une aube froide est sûre de se lever
As we drown in paradise
Alors que nous nous noyons au paradis
Another fool for rage
Ein weiterer Narr für Wut
Another truth betrayed
Eine weitere Wahrheit verraten
Another lackey out of line
Ein weiterer Lakai aus der Reihe
Torture and rip-apart
Foltern und zerreißen
What was the pure of heart
Was war das Reine des Herzens
Poison the well and push the lie
Vergifte den Brunnen und verbreite die Lüge
All in the name of nothing
Alles im Namen von nichts
Have we been hypnotized?
Sind wir hypnotisiert worden?
No doubt the end is coming
Zweifellos kommt das Ende
We're out of time
Wir haben keine Zeit mehr
Hang on
Halte durch
The river is rising
Der Fluss steigt
Hold strong
Halte fest
The tide is high
Die Flut ist hoch
Will we drown in paradise?
Werden wir im Paradies ertrinken?
Another wicked scheme
Ein weiterer teuflischer Plan
Another static dream
Ein weiterer statischer Traum
Indoctrination for the blind
Indoktrination für die Blinden
All in the name of nothing
Alles im Namen von nichts
Have we been hypnotized?
Sind wir hypnotisiert worden?
No doubt the end is coming
Zweifellos kommt das Ende
We're out of time
Wir haben keine Zeit mehr
Hang on
Halte durch
The river is rising
Der Fluss steigt
Hold strong
Halte fest
The tide is high
Die Flut ist hoch
A promise gone
Ein gebrochenes Versprechen
Seething raging from the heart
Kochende Wut aus dem Herzen
Hang on
Halte durch
The river is rising
Der Fluss steigt
Hold strong
Halte fest
The tide is high
Die Flut ist hoch
A promise long gone
Ein längst vergangenes Versprechen
So don't deny it
Also leugne es nicht
A cold dawn is sure to rise
Ein kalter Morgen wird sicher aufgehen
As we drown in paradise
Während wir im Paradies ertrinken
Another fool for rage
Un altro folle per la rabbia
Another truth betrayed
Un'altra verità tradita
Another lackey out of line
Un altro lacchè fuori posto
Torture and rip-apart
Tortura e strappa
What was the pure of heart
Quello che era puro di cuore
Poison the well and push the lie
Avvelena il pozzo e spingi la bugia
All in the name of nothing
Tutto in nome del nulla
Have we been hypnotized?
Siamo stati ipnotizzati?
No doubt the end is coming
Senza dubbio la fine sta arrivando
We're out of time
Siamo senza tempo
Hang on
The river is rising
Il fiume sta salendo
Hold strong
The tide is high
La marea è alta
Will we drown in paradise?
Affogheremo in paradiso?
Another wicked scheme
Un altro schema malvagio
Another static dream
Un altro sogno statico
Indoctrination for the blind
Indottrinamento per i ciechi
All in the name of nothing
Tutto in nome del nulla
Have we been hypnotized?
Siamo stati ipnotizzati?
No doubt the end is coming
Senza dubbio la fine sta arrivando
We're out of time
Siamo senza tempo
Hang on
The river is rising
Il fiume sta salendo
Hold strong
The tide is high
La marea è alta
A promise gone
Una promessa andata
Seething raging from the heart
Ribollendo di rabbia dal cuore
Hang on
The river is rising
Il fiume sta salendo
Hold strong
The tide is high
La marea è alta
A promise long gone
Una promessa da tempo andata
So don't deny it
Quindi non negarlo
A cold dawn is sure to rise
Un'alba fredda è sicura di sorgere
As we drown in paradise
Mentre affoghiamo in paradiso

Curiosidades sobre a música The River is Rising de Slash

Quando a música “The River is Rising” foi lançada por Slash?
A música The River is Rising foi lançada em 2022, no álbum “4”.
De quem é a composição da música “The River is Rising” de Slash?
A música “The River is Rising” de Slash foi composta por Myles Richard Bass, Saul Hudson.

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