Fear Of Poverty In Old Age
Spelling errors float in loose grammar
Wrong there again. Wrong too again
Feel dumb once. Feel dumb again
Ring finger cut off your left hand
Ugly lisp, frustrated stammer
Wrong time again, off time again
Hear the squeal of a breaking van
Found yourself out of several grand
Partnership is security
Wedding ring a savings bond at full maturity
Partnership is security
Gravity well sucks at the total annuity
Partnership is security
Spitting rules to maintain a sad credulity
Partnership is security
Brain removed to ensure assiduity
Bank error floats in work chatter
Wrong form again, wrong file again
Feel dumb once, feel dumb again
Summer indoors lost your tan
Nasty limb, indelicate manner
Wrong hand again, left hand again
Here, the tragic company man
Stole yourself several hundred grand
Partnership is security, promise me
Partnership is security, promise me
Partnership is security, promise me
Partnership is security, promise me
Street person, piss soaked pants
Wrong mark again, wrong knife again
Feel dumb once, feel dumb again
Winter spent shooting drugs in a van
Will withered and bowed to matter
Wrong me again, wrong this again
Hear the sutures pop with intent
Time to burn the baby grand