Great War

Joakim Broden, Paer Sundstroem, Viktor Carlsson

Letra Tradução

Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand

Where is this greatness I've been told?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Is this a worthy sacrifice?

Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars

I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Who am I to understand? What have I become?

I do my duties, pay the price
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
I know my deeds are not in vain

Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars

And feet by feet
We pay the price of a mile here
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
We face the heat
As we are fighting until the dawn
So follow me and we will write our own history

Great War
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars

Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
Onde homens mortos jazem, estou paralisado, os olhos dos meus irmãos se foram
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
E ele será enterrado aqui, uma marca sem nome em sua sepultura
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mãe em casa, recebe um telegrama e derrama uma lágrima de luto
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Lama e sangue, em terra estrangeira, tentando entender
Where is this greatness I've been told?
Onde está essa grandeza que me contaram?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Estas são as mentiras que nos venderam
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
Isso é um sacrifício digno?
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E eu não aguento mais
Great tour
Grande turnê
I keep on marching on
Continuo marchando
I play the great score
Eu toco a grande partitura
There will be no encore
Não haverá bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
A guerra para acabar com todas as guerras
I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Estou aqui, cheio de medo, com corpos aos meus pés
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Lá no outro trincheira, balas levam meu nome
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Avance, como disse o capitão e não mostre remorso
Who am I to understand? What have I become?
Quem sou eu para entender? No que me tornei?
I do my duties, pay the price
Eu cumpro meus deveres, pago o preço
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
Farei o sacrifício digno
I know my deeds are not in vain
Sei que meus atos não são em vão
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E eu não aguento mais
Great tour
Grande turnê
I keep on marching on
Continuo marchando
I play the great score
Eu toco a grande partitura
There will be no encore
Não haverá bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
A guerra para acabar com todas as guerras
And feet by feet
E metro por metro
We pay the price of a mile here
Pagamos o preço de uma milha aqui
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
Embora homens estejam caindo, vemos heróis surgirem
We face the heat
Enfrentamos o calor
As we are fighting until the dawn
Enquanto lutamos até o amanhecer
So follow me and we will write our own history
Então me siga e escreveremos nossa própria história
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E eu não aguento mais
Great tour
Grande turnê
I keep on marching on
Continuo marchando
I play the great score
Eu toco a grande partitura
There will be no encore
Não haverá bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
A guerra para acabar com todas as guerras
Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
Donde yacen los hombres muertos, estoy paralizado, los ojos de mis hermanos se han ido
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Y él será enterrado aquí, una marca sin nombre en su tumba
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Madre en casa, recibe un telegrama y derrama una lágrima de dolor
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Barro y sangre, en tierra extranjera, intentando entender
Where is this greatness I've been told?
¿Dónde está esta grandeza de la que me han hablado?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Estas son las mentiras que nos han vendido
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
¿Es este un sacrificio digno?
Great War
Gran Guerra
And I cannot take more
Y no puedo soportar más
Great tour
Gran gira
I keep on marching on
Sigo marchando
I play the great score
Interpreto la gran partitura
There will be no encore
No habrá bis
Great War
Gran Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra para terminar todas las guerras
I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Estoy aquí, lleno de miedo, con cuerpos a mis pies
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Allá en la otra trinchera, las balas llevan mi nombre
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Avanza, como dijo el capitán y no les muestres remordimiento
Who am I to understand? What have I become?
¿Quién soy yo para entender? ¿En qué me he convertido?
I do my duties, pay the price
Cumplo mis deberes, pago el precio
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
Haré el digno sacrificio
I know my deeds are not in vain
Sé que mis acciones no son en vano
Great War
Gran Guerra
And I cannot take more
Y no puedo soportar más
Great tour
Gran gira
I keep on marching on
Sigo marchando
I play the great score
Interpreto la gran partitura
There will be no encore
No habrá bis
Great War
Gran Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra para terminar todas las guerras
And feet by feet
Y pie tras pie
We pay the price of a mile here
Pagamos el precio de una milla aquí
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
Aunque los hombres caen, vemos surgir héroes
We face the heat
Enfrentamos el calor
As we are fighting until the dawn
Mientras luchamos hasta el amanecer
So follow me and we will write our own history
Así que sígueme y escribiremos nuestra propia historia
Great War
Gran Guerra
And I cannot take more
Y no puedo soportar más
Great tour
Gran gira
I keep on marching on
Sigo marchando
I play the great score
Interpreto la gran partitura
There will be no encore
No habrá bis
Great War
Gran Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra para terminar todas las guerras
Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
Là où gisent les hommes morts, je suis paralysé, les yeux de mes frères sont partis
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Et il sera enterré ici, une marque anonyme sur sa tombe
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mère à la maison, reçoit un télégramme et verse une larme de chagrin
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Boue et sang, en terre étrangère, essayant de comprendre
Where is this greatness I've been told?
Où est cette grandeur dont on m'a parlé ?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Ce sont les mensonges qu'on nous a vendus
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
Est-ce un sacrifice digne de ce nom ?
Great War
Grande Guerre
And I cannot take more
Et je ne peux plus supporter
Great tour
Grande tournée
I keep on marching on
Je continue à marcher
I play the great score
Je joue la grande partition
There will be no encore
Il n'y aura pas de rappel
Great War
Grande Guerre
The war to end all wars
La guerre pour mettre fin à toutes les guerres
I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Je suis ici, plein de peur, avec des corps à mes pieds
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Là-bas dans l'autre tranchée, les balles portent mon nom
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Avance, comme l'a dit le capitaine et ne leur montre aucun remords
Who am I to understand? What have I become?
Qui suis-je pour comprendre ? Qu'est-ce que je suis devenu ?
I do my duties, pay the price
Je fais mon devoir, je paie le prix
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
Je ferai le sacrifice digne de ce nom
I know my deeds are not in vain
Je sais que mes actes ne sont pas vains
Great War
Grande Guerre
And I cannot take more
Et je ne peux plus supporter
Great tour
Grande tournée
I keep on marching on
Je continue à marcher
I play the great score
Je joue la grande partition
There will be no encore
Il n'y aura pas de rappel
Great War
Grande Guerre
The war to end all wars
La guerre pour mettre fin à toutes les guerres
And feet by feet
Et pied par pied
We pay the price of a mile here
Nous payons le prix d'un mile ici
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
Bien que des hommes tombent, nous voyons des héros se lever
We face the heat
Nous faisons face à la chaleur
As we are fighting until the dawn
Alors que nous combattons jusqu'à l'aube
So follow me and we will write our own history
Alors suivez-moi et nous écrirons notre propre histoire
Great War
Grande Guerre
And I cannot take more
Et je ne peux plus supporter
Great tour
Grande tournée
I keep on marching on
Je continue à marcher
I play the great score
Je joue la grande partition
There will be no encore
Il n'y aura pas de rappel
Great War
Grande Guerre
The war to end all wars
La guerre pour mettre fin à toutes les guerres
Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
Wo tote Männer liegen, bin ich gelähmt, die Augen meines Bruders sind fort
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Und er soll hier begraben werden, namenlos markiert sein Grab
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mutter zu Hause, bekomme ein Telegramm und vergieße eine Träne der Trauer
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Schlamm und Blut, in fremdem Land, versuche zu verstehen
Where is this greatness I've been told?
Wo ist diese Größe, von der ich gehört habe?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Das sind die Lügen, die uns verkauft wurden
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
Ist das ein würdiges Opfer?
Great War
Großer Krieg
And I cannot take more
Und ich kann nicht mehr ertragen
Great tour
Große Tour
I keep on marching on
Ich marschiere weiter
I play the great score
Ich spiele die große Partitur
There will be no encore
Es wird keine Zugabe geben
Great War
Großer Krieg
The war to end all wars
Der Krieg, der alle Kriege beendet
I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Ich stehe hier, voller Angst, mit Körpern zu meinen Füßen
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Dort drüben im anderen Schützengraben, tragen Kugeln meinen Namen
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Führe an, wie der Kapitän sagte und zeige ihnen keine Reue
Who am I to understand? What have I become?
Wer bin ich, um zu verstehen? Was bin ich geworden?
I do my duties, pay the price
Ich erfülle meine Pflichten, zahle den Preis
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
Ich werde das würdige Opfer bringen
I know my deeds are not in vain
Ich weiß, meine Taten sind nicht vergebens
Great War
Großer Krieg
And I cannot take more
Und ich kann nicht mehr ertragen
Great tour
Große Tour
I keep on marching on
Ich marschiere weiter
I play the great score
Ich spiele die große Partitur
There will be no encore
Es wird keine Zugabe geben
Great War
Großer Krieg
The war to end all wars
Der Krieg, der alle Kriege beendet
And feet by feet
Und Fuß um Fuß
We pay the price of a mile here
Wir zahlen hier den Preis einer Meile
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
Obwohl Männer fallen, sehen wir Helden aufsteigen
We face the heat
Wir stellen uns der Hitze
As we are fighting until the dawn
Da wir bis zur Morgendämmerung kämpfen
So follow me and we will write our own history
Also folge mir und wir werden unsere eigene Geschichte schreiben
Great War
Großer Krieg
And I cannot take more
Und ich kann nicht mehr ertragen
Great tour
Große Tour
I keep on marching on
Ich marschiere weiter
I play the great score
Ich spiele die große Partitur
There will be no encore
Es wird keine Zugabe geben
Great War
Großer Krieg
The war to end all wars
Der Krieg, der alle Kriege beendet
Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
Dove giacciono uomini morti sono paralizzato, gli occhi di mio fratello sono andati
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
E lui sarà sepolto qui, una tomba senza nome lo contrassegna
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Madre a casa, ricevi un telegramma e versa una lacrima di dolore
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand
Fango e sangue, in terra straniera, cercando di capire
Where is this greatness I've been told?
Dove è questa grandezza di cui mi hanno parlato?
This is the lies that we've been sold
Queste sono le bugie che ci hanno venduto
Is this a worthy sacrifice?
È questo un sacrificio degno?
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E non ne posso più
Great tour
Grande tour
I keep on marching on
Continuo a marciare
I play the great score
Suono la grande partitura
There will be no encore
Non ci sarà bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra per porre fine a tutte le guerre
I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Sto qui, pieno di paura, con corpi ai miei piedi
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Là nell'altra trincea, le pallottole portano il mio nome
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Avanti, come ha detto il capitano e non mostrare loro rimorso
Who am I to understand? What have I become?
Chi sono io per capire? Cosa sono diventato?
I do my duties, pay the price
Faccio i miei doveri, pago il prezzo
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
Farò il sacrificio degno
I know my deeds are not in vain
So che le mie azioni non sono vane
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E non ne posso più
Great tour
Grande tour
I keep on marching on
Continuo a marciare
I play the great score
Suono la grande partitura
There will be no encore
Non ci sarà bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra per porre fine a tutte le guerre
And feet by feet
E piede dopo piede
We pay the price of a mile here
Pagiamo il prezzo di un miglio qui
Though men were falling, we see heroes rise
Anche se gli uomini cadono, vediamo eroi sorgere
We face the heat
Affrontiamo il caldo
As we are fighting until the dawn
Mentre combattiamo fino all'alba
So follow me and we will write our own history
Quindi seguimi e scriveremo la nostra storia
Great War
Grande Guerra
And I cannot take more
E non ne posso più
Great tour
Grande tour
I keep on marching on
Continuo a marciare
I play the great score
Suono la grande partitura
There will be no encore
Non ci sarà bis
Great War
Grande Guerra
The war to end all wars
La guerra per porre fine a tutte le guerre

Curiosidades sobre a música Great War de Sabaton

Em quais álbuns a música “Great War” foi lançada por Sabaton?
Sabaton lançou a música nos álbums “The Great War” em 2019 e “Stories from the Western Front - EP” em 2023.
De quem é a composição da música “Great War” de Sabaton?
A música “Great War” de Sabaton foi composta por Joakim Broden, Paer Sundstroem, Viktor Carlsson.

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