Both Sides
Jesus Christ who calls the dead to life
Called me from my guilty tomb
With a word He rolled my stone away
Now I'm singing alive in You
No stone no grave
Can hold back Your power
No lie no chain
Can hold down Your love
Every knee will bow
And everyone will know
You're King on both sides Of the stone
Savior King who hung with arms stretched wide
The solace of that crimson flood
With His final breath
The Savior cried oh It is finished
It is done
No stone no grave
Can hold back Your power
No lie no chain
Can hold down Your love
Every knee will bow
And everyone will know
You're King on both sides Of the stone
That Friday was no funeral
Our Sunday Savior's alive
He holds the keys In resurrection hands
Let all God's people
Rise with Him
No stone could stop His name
He overcomes with resurrection hands
He's alive He's alive
He's alive
His name is Jesus
No stone no grave
Can hold back Your power
No lie no chain
Can hold down Your love
Every knee will bow
And everyone will know
You're King on both sides
Of the stone