I Can’t Black It Out If I Wake Up And Remember
That house we’re passing is bad luck to me
The whole block is too
And that field across that street
Used to be one big building
It burned down when some bums broke in
They were lost in the flames
And there’s that alley where I saw that fight
Where the guy was just left to die
And see I told you they closed down the Fitz
I once saw Brian in handcuffs outside of it
When he saw me he started laughing
And yelling my name
I used to know a girl who lived down that street
She had two sisters
Who were in low end nudie magazines
She'd lived on her own since she was 16
She was always a good friend to me
So please don’t go down her street
I heard she got killed in a car wreck in Wyoming
So please don't go down her street
See that apartment building
My uncle lived there ’til I was I3
All summer he’d take me to the river swimming
We’d sneak into the movies without paying
Everyone said he went bad but I don’t care about that
I just don’t understand why he'd run out
And leave my mom and me
And my mom worked in an office down that street
You could always see her on break
On the back steps smoking, dressed up and worried
She was always broke and worried about everything
I can't black it out it if I wake up and remember
I can't black it out it if I wake up and remember
I miss them all so much