Thunder reigns within my veins
Bid my death its last farewell
Soon alive, my soul, my bride
I will bring you back from hell
Killed my maker
Vile creator
Hellfire, I reach
For the love
I seek
Gathering a burning horde
Clamoring a burning torch
In the light the eyes obey
But in the fire, you will be saved
Thunder reigns within your veins
Bid your death a last farewell
Come alive, my soul, my bride
We will raze it all to hell
Kill her makеr
Vile creator
Loving is the Onе in their image
But, hateful was the day that I took life
On the eve of Adam, there was Lilith
Satan has a wife, and so do I
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
Bring us hellfire
I suppose there's nothing left to do
But to watch it all burn
Fervent, vivid, alive
In the end we all burn