Stand Up and Shout
Virus – virus ganas datang menyerang di penjuru dunia, mencekam
Banyak jiwa melayang meregang lemah tak berdaya, mengerikan
Semua karena ulah manusia
Mencoba gantikan peran Tuhannya di dunia
Let us free from a pain and misery
Live in fears and insanity
Saffocation hopelessly
A whole world now start to crumblin’ down
Hold on each other we will fight it till the end
Bencana yang datang menderu menggilas kehidupan tak terbayang
Semua harus dilakukan tuk pertahankan peradaban
Itu semua karena ulah manusia yang berlomba
Menjadi paling hebat senjatanya di dunia
Can’t you see this is our reality
Can’t you feel live in blinded destiny
Lord give us a strength to carry on
Stand up and shout
We will never give it up
Look out to window when a rain falling down
As my tears start falls from my eyes
How many times that we can move along
Try to survive from this plague
We can’t deny it how fragile we are
Walk onto a bridges of shattered glass
Through our dakrness ages
Searching for a new rising sun....