Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

All I See Is You
Another Life
Are You The Same Girl?
Ask Me Yesterday
Astonish You
Back To Camelot
Black Ribbons (Voices Of The World)
Blind To Reason
Book of Life
Born To Believe In You
Carry Me Back
Coin Of The Realm
Dark Angel
Defying Gravity
Dream Higher
Driving And Dreaming
Everlasting Love
Everything That Money Can't Buy
Everything To Live For
Eye Of The Tiger
Faithful Heart
Falling Back To Then
Faster Than A Prayer
Feels Like Another Planet
Find Somebody To Love
First Time Around The Sun
Freedom Of The Night
Give It Away
Good Thing Gone
Heart Of The Warrior
Heaven On Earth
I Am My Father
I Can't Hold Back
If It Doesn't Kill Me
In Caricature
Interrupted Melody
It's Criminal
Language Of The Heart
Last Safe Place
Let Me Let You Go
Letter To The Future
Light From A Distant Shore
Lion Heart
Love Is On The Rocks
Love's Eternal Flame
Madness Of Love
Man Behind The Mask
Music And Me
My Destiny
Parallel Lines
Reckless Love
Renegade Heart
Rising Up
Rock & Roll Boomtown
Rock And Roll Boomtown
Second Hand Life
Secret Of The Way
Sending My Love
Shine On
Silent Music
Sleeping With a Memory
Sound Of Home
Stand By You
Surrender To The Night
Tall Ships
The Courage To Love Somebody
The Destiny Stone
The Gift Of Song
The Light In Your Eyes
The Roaring Of Dreams
The Search Is Over
The Silence Says It All
The Tell
Through It All
Tie Down The Wind
Turn To Me
Unfinished Heart
Unmasking The Mystery
Vital Signs
We Play For Free
What Kind Of Fool
You're Not A Prisoner

Curiosidades sobre Pride of Lions

Qual o álbum mais recente de Pride of Lions?
O álbum mais recente de Pride of Lions é o “Lion Heart”, lançado em 2020 com 12 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Pride of Lions?
O álbum mais antigo de Pride of Lions é o “Pride Of Lions”, lançado em 2003 com 13 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Pride of Lions?
A música mais popular de Pride of Lions é “Rock & Roll Boomtown”, do álbum “Lion Heart”, lançado em 2020.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Pride of Lions?
Entre 2003 e 2020, 9 Álbuns foram lançados por Pride of Lions.

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