Take Two Spills
The clock under the don't walk sign is counting down
You floor it trying to make your way across town
My patience growing shorter than a downtown yellow light
You don't know just how long you've kept me waiting
Trick your friends when you run out of dirty money
Tell the World Wide Web you're working on yourself
Make a getaway to my parlor floor when your girlfriend's uncle's girlfriend
Catches you in the medicine shelf
Now you've run out of excuses, I know how it goes
You don't know just how much you've been stealing
And you say
Jesus Christ saved my ass tonight
I didn't know our savior drove a Honda
Take two spills and call me in the morning
Tomorrow you won't remember
Tomorrow you won't remember
You know you never remember
Burning all your colleagues in public effigy
Your dirty laundry's out here growing mold
This spectacle is quickly self-defeating
Don't make me have to say I told you so
Now you've run out of excuses, I know just how it goes
You got nowhere to run but keep running
And you say
Jesus Christ saved my ass tonight
I didn't know the son of God works at Kroger
Take two spills and call me in the morning
Tomorrow you won't remember
Tomorrow you won't remember
You know you never remember
And you say
Jesus Christ saved my ass tonight
I didn't know our savior lives down on Harlem
Take two spills and call me in the morning
Tomorrow you won't remember
You know you never remember