More Like Jesus (feat. Canaan Baca)

Canaan Baca

Letra Significado

I've been told to live my own truth
Do whatever makes me feel good
Get rid of boundaries, the rules are stifling
Chase good feelings, soon we'll be gone

But I found myself more lost than ever
Enslaved and bound to my desires
And that's not freedom

Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your image
Make me more like Jesus (more of you and less of me)

(I feel the change coming) I feel the change coming
More of You, and less of me
Transformation by Your Spirit in me
More of You, and less of me
Now that I know You, I know there's no one else for me
'Cause You're the one that my soul loves (Oh)

Now I find myself more alive than ever
My life laid down for your desires
Now this is freedom

Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your image
(Eh, Thank you Jesus for your transformation power)

Praise be to God, Praise be to God
You've saved me from myself
Praise be to God, Praise be to God
A new life, I've been dealt
I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours (oh God)
No I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours

(Oh praise be to God) Praise be to God, Praise be to God
You've saved me from myself
Praise be to God, Praise be to God
A new life, I've been dealt
(No) I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours (Oh I'm never going back)
I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours

Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
(Oh) Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your (more like you)

Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your image (yes Lord)
Your image
More of you and less of me

My preference is no matter
Where I thought I'll be doesn't matter
It's all about Jesus

Praise be to God, Praise be to God
You've saved me from myself
Praise be to God, Praise be to God
A new life, I've been dealt
I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours
No I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm yours

(Come on praise him like he saved you, praise be to God) Praise be to God, Praise be to God
You've saved me from myself (yeah)
Praise be to God, Praise be to God
A new life, I've been dealt
(Oh) I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours (No I'll never look back)
No I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm yours

(Oh praise be to God) Praise be to God, Praise be to God
You've saved me from myself (oh I was on a path of destruction)
Praise be to God, Praise be to God
A new life, I've been dealt
(Oh) I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm Yours (oh I'll never look back)
No I'll never look back, no I can't go back, I'm yours

Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
(Oh) Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your image

(Oh it all we want oh God)
It's all we want
It's all we want
More of you
More of your spirit
Less of us oh God

Surely if we die a death like yours
We'll be resurrected with you
If we die a death like yours
Die to ourselves, we'll be resurrected

Thank you for your resurrection
Thank you for your resurrection
Thank you for your resurrection ('cause we rise with you lord)
Thank you for your resurrection
Thank you for your resurrection
Thank you for your resurrection

(Make me more you) Holy Spirit make me more like Jesus
Every day a little more like Jesus
Crucify my flesh with Yours
That my new life might be secured
Everything I do, done so I can honor You
(Oh) Resurrect me, sanctify me
Make me into Your image

A Jornada de Transformação Espiritual em More Like Jesus

A música 'More Like Jesus', interpretada por One Voice INT Music e com participação de Canaan Baca, é uma expressão de desejo por transformação espiritual e alinhamento com os princípios cristãos. A letra reflete uma jornada pessoal de reconhecimento da insuficiência das satisfações mundanas e a busca por uma vida que honre a Deus, seguindo o exemplo de Jesus Cristo.

No início da canção, o eu lírico descreve um sentimento de perdição ao seguir a ideologia contemporânea de 'viver a própria verdade' e buscar prazeres efêmeros. A narrativa então se volta para a descoberta de que a verdadeira liberdade não se encontra na indulgência dos desejos pessoais, mas sim na entrega e submissão à vontade divina. A repetição do pedido para que o Espírito Santo faça o indivíduo mais semelhante a Jesus é um clamor por uma transformação interna que reflita os valores e o caráter de Cristo.

A música também aborda o conceito de mortificação do 'eu', ou seja, a ideia de crucificar a carne com suas paixões e desejos, para que uma nova vida em Cristo possa ser assegurada. Esse processo de santificação é visto como um caminho para a verdadeira liberdade e uma existência que glorifica a Deus. A canção termina com uma celebração da 'nova vida' recebida através da graça divina, rejeitando o retorno ao passado e afirmando um compromisso inabalável com a nova identidade encontrada em Deus. 'More Like Jesus' é um hino de adoração que ressoa com aqueles que buscam uma vida de dedicação e serviço a um propósito maior, guiados pela fé cristã.

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