Nicky My Friend (Diego Zapparoli and Paula)
I'd like to suck your cock
From its bottom to its top
Oh but please don't get me wrong
Think of it as a reward
You might think I'm crazy but I hope you don't
I'm just grateful for all of your songs
So full of witty quotations
How should I call this fever burning in me while they play?
Intellectual titillation?
Nicky my friend, my English teacher once asked me where did I learn
The notions I put in my homework, in particular those kinky words
I don't think I replied, though both you and I know where all that comes from
It's no mystery and no secret
I just get them from your songs
I'd like to suck your cock
I'd get rid of my skirt and tweak my own nipples
While holding the microphone
Beggars the imagination truly
But I guess that making this would soon turn me
Into the wittiest of the groupies