Men Are The Problem
Big men and sad men
Sane men and madmen
Men are the problem, I know
Who would befriend them?
Much better end them
Give them the order to go
Who'd want to be men?
Pumping their semen
Building their buildings so tall
Brandishing power tools
Over the earth
Humping their tallow and coal
We were happy until men
Started to kill men
Since then it's been blood all the way
There's just something about men
They push us about when
They'd much better just go away
Strong men and weak men
Normals and freak men
Men are the problem, I know
How to escape them?
Who's there to make them
Adopt a more reasonable tone
I'd like to kill men
Just live without them
Typical man dream I know
Violence on violence
The conquest of silence
The first and the last things to go