The estuary Hitler, a snollygoster
Dicaculous as Janus on a toby mug
Bleak hesternal NIMBY, avuncular of bulge
Pop-eyed as the dwindling
Spotted palmate newt
Macilent and methystine
An acolynth of King Canute
As you prepare to build the Toteninsel
Lardybastard, lardybastard fly away home
To stately seat incendiary, to spiteful heirs undone
Coprolalian stockbroking rapscallion
Diaphotick lightbulb, saprous at the pub
Fulgurating technikrym, gammonhood's own goblin king
Scoffing your eternal pint of someone else's blood
Hybristick in your solitude, tolutiloquent and talpine
A Schicklgruber lecertose from Question Time
Lardybastard, lardybastard fly away home
So Hardyesque, so Oliver Cromwellian