Hinkfuss at the Glyptothek
Hinkfuss at the Glyptothek
Admiring muscles on the neck
Of the Barberini Faun
Known as the Drunken Satyr
Woodland sprite, a goatlike tail
Splay-thighed, bug-eyed, very male
Pointed ears, a horned head
"That's the way!" Hinkfuss said
A satyr's life's the life for him
He'd play the flute and live on gin
And facilitate the whims
Of Dionysus
The brittle whistle of the wind
Ithyphallic birds all sing
Giggling water at the crystal stream
Laps his marble body
Pursuing nymphs across mosaics
Dryads, Naiads and Nereids
Hinkfuss wouldn't need sex aids
The wind is his Levitra
The siege of Rome, the Goths attack
The mausoleum, Romans grab
Hadrian's statues, which get smashed
Serving as projectiles
Hinkfuss Satyr wakes, alas
Body cracked like shattered glass
Right leg damaged, hands stuck fast
Parts of his head gone missing
These days Hinkfuss is restored
Lolls with dildo by the door
Of the Glyptothek, don't stare
Be careful what you wish for