Goodbye Mr Quin
And there will come a time
When the will have been time
For the will to define Mr Quin
In the meantime let's not
Worry whether the plot
Turns out well, turns out ill
Mr Quin
For today you're alive
And feel you'll never die
It may never arrive
Mr Quin
Until then everything
Is so strange, Mr Quin
Live each day, live each love
As it comes
Bright day, endless night
And the cry of the owl
Secret hollow, an expensive place to die
So goodbye Mr Quin
We are strangers on a train
And the mirror is now cracked
From side to side
And there will come a time
When the world in your mind
Will have known in its bones
Mr Quin
Until then everything
Could be pork, could be string
Live each day, love each love
As it comes
In the main everything
Is so strange, Mr Quin
Live each day, love each love
As she comes
Double clue, wooden words
Endless night, passing birds
Paperchase, king of clubs
Rush to die
Bright day, endless night
And the cry of the owl
Twinkle twinkle
You are sinking, little spy
Double clue, wooden words
Endless night, passing birds
Paperchase, king of clubs
Mr Quin
The Italian nobleman, polonium 210
Twinkle twinkle, Mickey Mouse
Mr Quin
Bright day, endless night
And the cry of the owl
Secret hollow, an expensive place to die
But goodbye Mr Quin
We are strangers on a train
And the mirror starts to crack
From side to side
Bright day, endless night
And the cry of the owl