If you wanna rap about Jesus, let me show you how
So, give me the mic, cause I'm bringing it down
We gon show everyone who's the one true Savior
Whose mission is to bring us with him into life forever
So once upon a time, there was a man named john
Who was proclaiming the gospel at the river
Baptizing everyone as they all came about
But he said it wouldn't be for long
He said One comes greater than me who baptizes with fire
And he's gon save everyone
And that's gon make everyone mad
There were teachers in Jerusalem criticizing Jesus
Saying We teach the law, not you
And he called 'em a bunch of hypocrites
Because they was teaching nothing
And he was bringing truth
My kingdom is not of this world, he said
I am here to testify to the truth
Truth, what is truth, said Pilate
I am the way, the truth and the life
Everyone accusing him, saying, what's he doing
He calls the sinners; he walks with the weak!
Tax collectors, Adulterers, People with leprosy,
The poor, The lame, and the blind
Whoever believes in me shall never die, says the Lord
But shall have eternal life
Which means if you accept that Jesus is Lord and King
You shall be saved, and you are redeemed
So let this be a message to you
That you never have to feel afraid
Jesus was vulnerable as any of us
And he understands all our pain
People tried to kill him when he was a baby
And they put him on the cross because he said he was king
But they went through all of it because he loved us so much
And nothing could ever take that away from you or me
Jesus is our everything
Praise be His Holy name
Glorify forever the One True King
Who went through hell to save us from all vain
This has been your Boi Matt, I'm out