Lowkey on Afghanistan Part 1

We are here today to talk about an invasion
An occupation and a war which has ravaged a
Country whose history is littered
With foreign interference
Opposing the war in Iraq did not
Mean you were automatically pro-Saddam
If anyone was pro-Saddam
That was Ronald Reagan and his administration
Opposing the war in Afghanistan does not
Mean you were pro-Al Qaeda
If anybody could be called pro-Al Qaeda
With all due respect for his current
Position regarding Palestine, it
Would be Jimmy Carter's administration
And the director of
The CIA at the time, Robert Gates
A man who interestingly currently serves
As Obama's Secretary of Defense
Opposing the war in Afghanistan does
Not make you pro Taliban
If anybody was pro Taliban
It was Condoleezza Rice and her cohorts
At the oil company Unocal
The Taliban themselves were orphans of the
Afghan War with the Russians
In which Al-Qaeda was backed by the CIA under
Both Jimmy Carter's and
Ronald Reagan's administrations
Nobody in their right mind could
Deny the Taliban's hideous oppression
Of women, but it didn't
Start on September 11th, 2001
Their horrendous regime was in
Power long before hand
When Bush and Blair tried
To justify this war
All of a sudden women's rights in
Afghanistan was so very important
Women in Afghanistan were persecuted
Long before September 11th
And are still subject
To persecution on a daily basis under
The clearly un-democratic Karzai regime
Which the Americans and the British are
Currently so steadfast in supporting
Condoleezza Rice and Unocal were
Not concerned about
The women of Afghanistan when they
Were sitting at the table with the
Taliban negotiating lucrative oil deals
Besides, in a last ditch attempt to avoid
Invasion and regime change at the
Hands of a foreign power, which is
Of course illegal under international law
The Taliban offered Bin Laden
To the Americans however, despite this
The invasion and occupation still went ahead
As if the American government have
A monopoly on morality as if the American
Government differentiate morally
When looking for business partners
It has never been about
Creating moral governments
It has been about creating
Governments that are open
To manipulation and are willing
To do business the American government like
The British government
Know that Karzai is corrupt
They know they have installed a
Bunch of warlords and drug-dealers
Karzai's own brother is a well
Known drug-lord with his
Fingers all over the heroin
Trade in that country
For the record, in the first
Year of the occupation
The heroin production in that country
Increased 1000% and now accounts
For over 90% of the heroin
On Britain's streets today
The largest amount of heroin coming out of
Afghanistan was from the Helmand province
Which interestingly was the area
Of the highest
Number of British troops were occupying
Make of that what you will
If these occupying forces
Were really interested
In helping the Afghan people
They would put in place a system where
By the opium produced in the
Country could be used all over the world for
Strictly medicinal purposes
Thus giving the country a
Massive and legitimate
Source of income from it's poppy fields
There is nothing noble, romantic
Or righteous about this occupation
While the illegal invasion and
Occupation of Iraq is
Widely understood to have been a disaster
There are still those in this country
To argue that this war in
Afghanistan is somehow a legitimate
War for the good of humanity
As if any government
Particularity our government has ever gone to
War in the interest of humanity

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