My Own Worst Enemy

Alan Popoff, Kevin Baldes, Jeremy Popoff, Allen Shellenberger

Letra Tradução

Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Please tell me

Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone

It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
Still burning

Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone

Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night

It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that

Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Podemos esquecer as coisas que eu disse quando estava bêbado?
I didn't mean to call you that
Eu não quis te chamar daquilo
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Não consigo me lembrar do que foi dito ou do que você jogou em mim
Please tell me
Por favor, me diga
Please tell me why
Por favor, me diga por quê
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Meu carro está no quintal da frente e eu estou
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormindo com minhas roupas
I came in through the window last night
Eu entrei pela janela ontem à noite
And you're gone, gone
E você se foi, se foi
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Não é surpresa para mim, eu sou meu pior inimigo
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Porque de vez em quando, eu me dou uma surra
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
O alarme de fumaça está disparando e há um cigarro
Still burning
Ainda queimando
Please tell me why
Por favor, me diga por quê
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Meu carro está no quintal da frente e eu estou
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormindo com minhas roupas
Came in through the window last night
Entrei pela janela ontem à noite
And you're gone, gone
E você se foi, se foi
Please tell me why
Por favor, me diga por quê
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Meu carro está no quintal da frente e eu estou
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormindo com minhas roupas
I came in through the window last night
Eu entrei pela janela ontem à noite
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Não é surpresa para mim, eu sou meu pior inimigo
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Porque de vez em quando, eu me dou uma surra
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Podemos esquecer as coisas que eu disse quando estava bêbado?
I didn't mean to call you that
Eu não quis te chamar daquilo
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
¿Podemos olvidarnos de las cosas que dije cuando estaba borracho?
I didn't mean to call you that
No quise llamarte eso
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
No puedo recordar lo que se dijo o lo que me tiraste
Please tell me
Por favor dime
Please tell me why
Por favor dime por qué
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mi coche está en el patio delantero y estoy
Sleeping with my clothes on
Durmiendo con mi ropa puesta
I came in through the window last night
Entré por la ventana anoche
And you're gone, gone
Y te has ido, ido
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
No me sorprende, soy mi peor enemigo
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Porque de vez en cuando, me saco la mierda
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
La alarma de humo está sonando y hay un cigarro
Still burning
Todavía quemando
Please tell me why
Por favor dime por qué
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mi coche está en el patio delantero y estoy
Sleeping with my clothes on
Durmiendo con mi ropa puesta
Came in through the window last night
Entré por la ventana anoche
And you're gone, gone
Y te has ido, ido
Please tell me why
Por favor dime porque
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mi coche está en el patio delantero y estoy
Sleeping with my clothes on
Durmiendo con mi ropa puesta
I came in through the window last night
Entré por la ventana anoche
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
No me sorprende, soy mi peor enemigo
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Porque de vez en cuando, me saco la mierda
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
¿Podemos olvidarnos de las cosas que dije cuando estaba borracho?
I didn't mean to call you that
No quise llamarte eso
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Est-ce qu'on peut oublier ce que j'ai dit quand j'étais bourré?
I didn't mean to call you that
Je ne comptais pas t'appeler comme ça
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Je ne me souviens pas de ce qui a été dit ou de ce que tu m'as jeté
Please tell me
S'il te plaît, dis-moi
Please tell me why
S'il te plaît, dis-moi pourquoi
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Ma voiture est dans la cour avant et je suis
Sleeping with my clothes on
En train de dormir tout habillé
I came in through the window last night
Je suis entré par la fenêtre hier soir
And you're gone, gone
Et tu étais partie, partie
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Ça ne me surprend pas, je suis mon propre pire ennemi
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Parce que de temps en temps, je me fais vachement de mal
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
L'alarme incendie se déclenche et il y a une cigarette
Still burning
Qui brûle toujours
Please tell me why
S'il te plaît, dis-moi pourquoi
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Ma voiture est dans la cour avant et je suis
Sleeping with my clothes on
En train de dormir tout habillé
Came in through the window last night
Je suis entré par la fenêtre hier soir
And you're gone, gone
Et tu étais partie, partie
Please tell me why
S'il te plaît, dis-moi pourquoi
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Ma voiture est dans la cour avant et je suis
Sleeping with my clothes on
En train de dormir tout habillé
I came in through the window last night
Je suis entré par la fenêtre hier soir
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Ça ne me surprend pas, je suis mon propre pire ennemi
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Parce que de temps en temps, je me fais vachement de mal
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Est-ce qu'on peut oublier ce que j'ai dit quand j'étais bourré?
I didn't mean to call you that
Je ne comptais pas t'appeler comme ça
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Können wir vergessen, was ich gesagt habe, als ich betrunken war?
I didn't mean to call you that
Ich wollte dich nicht so nennen
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, was gesagt wurde oder was du auf mich geworfen hast
Please tell me
Bitte sag es mir
Please tell me why
Bitte sag mir warum
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mein Auto steht im Vorgarten und ich
Sleeping with my clothes on
Schlafe mit meiner Kleidung an
I came in through the window last night
Ich bin letzte Nacht durch das Fenster gekommen
And you're gone, gone
Und du bist weg, weg
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Es überrascht mich nicht, ich bin mein schlimmster Feind
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Denn ab und zu trete ich mir selbst in den Hintern
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
Der Rauchmelder geht los und es gibt eine Zigarette
Still burning
Die immer noch brennt
Please tell me why
Bitte sag mir warum
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mein Auto steht im Vorgarten und ich
Sleeping with my clothes on
Schlafe mit meiner Kleidung an
Came in through the window last night
Ich bin letzte Nacht durch das Fenster gekommen
And you're gone, gone
Und du bist weg, weg
Please tell me why
Bitte sag mir warum
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mein Auto steht im Vorgarten und ich
Sleeping with my clothes on
Schlafe mit meiner Kleidung an
I came in through the window last night
Ich bin letzte Nacht durch das Fenster gekommen
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Es überrascht mich nicht, ich bin mein schlimmster Feind
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Denn ab und zu trete ich mir selbst in den Hintern
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Können wir vergessen, was ich gesagt habe, als ich betrunken war?
I didn't mean to call you that
Ich wollte dich nicht so nennen
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Possiamo dimenticare le cose che ho detto quando ero ubriaco?
I didn't mean to call you that
Non intendevo chiamarti così
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Non riesco a ricordare cosa è stato detto o cosa mi hai lanciato
Please tell me
Per favore dimmelo
Please tell me why
Per favore dimmi perché
My car is in the front yard and I'm
La mia auto è nel cortile di casa e io sto
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormendo con i miei vestiti addosso
I came in through the window last night
Sono entrato dalla finestra la scorsa notte
And you're gone, gone
E tu sei andata, andata
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Non mi sorprende, sono il mio peggior nemico
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Perché ogni tanto, mi prendo a calci
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
L'allarme antincendio sta suonando e c'è una sigaretta
Still burning
Ancora accesa
Please tell me why
Per favore dimmi perché
My car is in the front yard and I'm
La mia auto è nel cortile di casa e io sto
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormendo con i miei vestiti addosso
Came in through the window last night
Sono entrato dalla finestra la scorsa notte
And you're gone, gone
E tu sei andata, andata
Please tell me why
Per favore dimmi perché
My car is in the front yard and I'm
La mia auto è nel cortile di casa e io sto
Sleeping with my clothes on
Dormendo con i miei vestiti addosso
I came in through the window last night
Sono entrato dalla finestra la scorsa notte
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Non mi sorprende, sono il mio peggior nemico
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Perché ogni tanto, mi prendo a calci
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Possiamo dimenticare le cose che ho detto quando ero ubriaco?
I didn't mean to call you that
Non intendevo chiamarti così
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Bisakah kita lupakan tentang hal-hal yang saya katakan saat saya mabuk?
I didn't mean to call you that
Saya tidak bermaksud memanggilmu seperti itu
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Saya tidak bisa mengingat apa yang dikatakan atau apa yang kamu lemparkan padaku
Please tell me
Tolong beritahu saya
Please tell me why
Tolong beritahu saya mengapa
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mobil saya di halaman depan dan saya
Sleeping with my clothes on
Tidur dengan pakaian saya masih terpasang
I came in through the window last night
Saya masuk melalui jendela semalam
And you're gone, gone
Dan kamu pergi, pergi
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Ini bukan kejutan bagi saya, saya adalah musuh terburuk saya sendiri
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Karena sesekali, saya menendang diri saya sendiri
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
Alarm asap berbunyi dan ada rokok
Still burning
Masih menyala
Please tell me why
Tolong beritahu saya mengapa
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mobil saya di halaman depan dan saya
Sleeping with my clothes on
Tidur dengan pakaian saya masih terpasang
Came in through the window last night
Masuk melalui jendela semalam
And you're gone, gone
Dan kamu pergi, pergi
Please tell me why
Tolong beritahu saya mengapa
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Mobil saya di halaman depan dan saya
Sleeping with my clothes on
Tidur dengan pakaian saya masih terpasang
I came in through the window last night
Saya masuk melalui jendela semalam
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
Ini bukan kejutan bagi saya, saya adalah musuh terburuk saya sendiri
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Karena sesekali, saya menendang diri saya sendiri
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
Bisakah kita lupakan tentang hal-hal yang saya katakan saat saya mabuk?
I didn't mean to call you that
Saya tidak bermaksud memanggilmu seperti itu
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Please tell me
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone
และคุณไปแล้ว, ไปแล้ว
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
ไม่มีอะไรที่ทำให้ฉันตกใจ, ฉันเป็นศัตรูที่แย่ที่สุดของตัวเอง
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
เพราะบางครั้ง, ฉันทำร้ายตัวเองอย่างรุนแรง
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
Still burning
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone
และคุณไปแล้ว, ไปแล้ว
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
ไม่มีอะไรที่ทำให้ฉันตกใจ, ฉันเป็นศัตรูที่แย่ที่สุดของตัวเอง
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
เพราะบางครั้ง, ฉันทำร้ายตัวเองอย่างรุนแรง
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Please tell me
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
The smoke alarm is going off and there's a cigarette
Still burning
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night
And you're gone, gone
Please tell me why
My car is in the front yard and I'm
Sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then, I kick the living shit out of me
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?
I didn't mean to call you that

Curiosidades sobre a música My Own Worst Enemy de Lit

Quando a música “My Own Worst Enemy” foi lançada por Lit?
A música My Own Worst Enemy foi lançada em 1999, no álbum “A Place in the Sun”.
De quem é a composição da música “My Own Worst Enemy” de Lit?
A música “My Own Worst Enemy” de Lit foi composta por Alan Popoff, Kevin Baldes, Jeremy Popoff, Allen Shellenberger.

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