Steel Toe
I will bite through the ceiling
I will bite through the walls
I will bite through the window
I will bite through the walls
Bite through the window
He better keep his doors locked
We’ll be coming by the hundreds
He Better keep them locked
We’ll be coming by the hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
We’ll be coming by the hundreds
Better keep them locked
Coming through the roof
I’m at the pearly gates
With a stеal toed kiss
I’m at the pearly gatеs
With a steal toed kiss
Come and taste these lips
No this shot won’t miss
Come and taste this kiss
No this shot won’t miss
Coming by the hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
Coming through the roof
I’m biting through the roof
Coming by the hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
We’ll be coming through
I’m at the pearly gates
With a steal toed kiss
Come and taste these lips
No my shot won’t miss
Coming by the hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
Hundreds hundreds hundreds
Coming by the hundreds
With a steel toed kiss