West Virginia Boys
Come all you Virginia girls and listen to my noise
Don't you marry those West Virginia boys
And if you do your portion'll be
Cornbread, molasses, and sassafras tea
Cornbread, molasses, and sassafras tea
They build their cabins outta logs walls
And as for windows they have few at all
Clapboard roof and an old slab door
Sandstone chimney and a puncheon floor
Sandstone chimney and a puncheon floor
When they go to milk, they milk it in a gourd
Set it in the corner and they cover it with a board
Come will get a little and some will get none
That's about the way old West Virginia runs
That's about the way old West Virginia runs
Send you away to the Blackjack Hills
There to live and make your will
There to live and stare in space
That is the way of the West Virginia race
That is the way of the West Virginia race
Come all you Virginia girls and listen to my noise
Don't you marry those West Virginia boys
And if you do your portion'll be
Cornbread, molasses, and sassafras tea
Cornbread, molasses, and sassafras tea