
VERSE 1: Exodus 1:22 / the king of Egypt made a decree / to cast every baby in the River born a Heb / Pharaoh feared Israel because they multiplied / and made em slaves so in war they wouldn't switch sides / a Levite woman she had a son / hid him for 3 months then finally the time had come / she couldn't hide him any longer so she mad an ark / put him in, send him down the River and interest was sparked / by the Pharaoh's daughter getting clean at the River / she was compassionate, she wasn't a killer / she knew he was a Hebrew boy but she had so much joy / that his sister was employed / to raise up this child and then the baby grew / and sister brought him back after a while / Pharaoh's daughter named him Moses cause she drew him out the River / and the Israelites would not be free is she was a killa //

VERSE 2: Exodus 2:11 / and it came to pass when Moses was grown / that he went out to his brethren, spied and saw of his own / being beat down by an Egyptian / he looked both ways, Mo killed the Egyptian / heart beating like a piston cause word got out / Pharaoh wanted Mo dead so Mo skirted on the route / that led him to Midian, he sat by the well / the priest's daughters came for water and the shepherds gave them hell / but Mo took the stand, helped them and watered the flock / the girls brought Mo home, he got cool with their pops / Reuel , who gave Mo Zipporah to marry / while the slaves asking God not to let bondage tarry / God heard their groan and remembered His covenant / with Abe, Ike, and Jacob and He done seen enough of it / God had a plan to get the boy born out a River / to lead slaves out of pain, thank God she wasn't a killa //

VERSE 3: Now Mo kept the flock for pops / he came to the mountain of Horeb / God appeared as a burning bush and the Lord said / I've seen the affliction of the Egyptians / I heard their cry now I send you on a mission / to deliver Israel into the promised land / Mo said, I know You're sovereign but my words ain't following / because I st-st-stutter / I AM that IAM did I st-st-stutter? / Mo still was insecure so God gave him Aaron / his brother to utter the words of the Lord / Mo and Pharaoh were not on one accord / Mo said, let my people go, and Pharaoh said, no / and Pharaoh gave Israel a heavier work load / but God planned to show His power on this road / through miracles that Mo would execute / through opposition, Mo still followed the Lord / Mo turned, rod to snake, water to blood / and Pharaoh still ain't let God's people go / he brought frogs from water, turned dust to lice / and Pharaoh still ain't let God's people go / he killed all Egypt's cattle, gave Egypt boils / and Pharaoh still ain't let God's people go / he brought plagues to Egypt, made it rain hail / and Pharaoh still ain't let God's people go / God sent locusts and made the sky look like Wesley Snipes / and Pharaoh still ain't let God's people go / so God through Moses threatened Pharaoh by saying / let Israel go or I'll kill your firstborn / God told Israel, put blood on the door / from a lamb and when I come I will pass over / and no one from Israel will die / but out of Egypt will be a huge outcry / and God killed all Egypt's firstborn / and Pharaoh let Israel go because his heart was torn / so Israel left, and then Pharaoh pursued them / Israel was scared thinking Egypt would subdue them / Mo said, fear not, see the salvation of the Lord / and Mo split the sea and they walked right through / and when Israel went through the sea came back together / and all Egypt drowned, they should have known better //

Curiosidades sobre a música Moses de K-Drama

Quando a música “Moses” foi lançada por K-Drama?
A música Moses foi lançada em 2010, no álbum “For the Longest Time”.

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