Ex-Glutton [Bonus Track]
VERSE 1: I used to be mastered by my sin overindulging / in pleasures endeavors no self-control and / it reflected in my eating in the area of self-control I was taking a beating / I gained 10 pounds every year since graduating highschool / 70 pounds total that is not cool / I ain't gone sit here and lie 12 years born again I'm still being sanctified / I ain't smoke I ain't drink but I still treated my temple bad / unnecessary eating especially when I was feeling sad / we gone kill ourselves doing that that's why more and more people dying of premature heart attack / our enemy is so sneaky killing our nation through people being greedy / what profits a man to eat the world and lose their soul instead of eating a bread and dying to self they die in front of them butter rolls / you can have it it's called portion control that's how I lost 32 pounds I thought you should know / same thing with the X-box and PS3 invest in Christ to overindulge in those things / look up gluttony see what it says and sit there and see how many Scriptures pop in your head / it's more than just food be controlled by the love of Christ not by your mood /