Lord and Lady Whoozis
Isn't it strange the things little change
That comes with a few new clothes
Isn't it odd how people will nod
Whenever you strike a pose
I'm like Cinderella tonight
And you are my fella tonight
When we appear we are certain to hear
A series of ah's and oh's
The music will blare
The people will stare
The moment they see us anywhere
I think they'll think we're lord and lady Whoozis
I can picture just how
The waiters will bow
We'll allow them to be a social wow
I bet they'll bet we're lord and lady whoozis
We'll be rubbing elbows with the best society
And when we do
They'll observe some high-dy high-dy
They never knew
We'll be happy until
The music is still
But darling when they present the bill
I think they think we're lord and lady whoozis
I think they think we're lord and lady whoozis
I bet they'll bet we're lord and lady whoozis
I bet they'll bet we're lord and lady whoozis
We'll be rubbing elbows with the best society
And when we do
They'll observe some high-dy high-dy
They never knew
We'll be happy until
The music is still
But darling when they present the bill
I think they think we're lord and lady whoozis