
Hubert Laws, Jason Schweitzer, Jenevieve Johnson, Jerome Ta, Jonathan Beuzieron

Letra Tradução

Medallion, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm

Bullets came flying through my window
I was in your shadow tryna escape
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape

Medallion, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm

Settle your debt, settle down
It's only us, looking for peace
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while

Bullets came flying through my window
I was in your shadow tryna escape
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape

Medallion, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm

Bullets came flying
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)

Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying through my window
Balas vieram voando pela minha janela
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Eu estava na sua sombra tentando escapar
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nós nos mudamos para o campo, a cidade ficou feia
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
E pensamos que estávamos seguros, fizemos nossa fuga
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Settle your debt, settle down
Acerte suas contas, se acalme
It's only us, looking for peace
Somos só nós, procurando por paz
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while
Tenho essa deusa numa coleira curta para sempre, enquanto
Bullets came flying through my window
Balas vieram voando pela minha janela
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Eu estava na sua sombra tentando escapar
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nós nos mudamos para o campo, a cidade ficou feia
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
E pensamos que estávamos seguros, fizemos nossa fuga
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (aposto que você pensou que estava seguro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (aposto que você pensou que estava seguro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Balas vieram voando
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (aposto que você pensou que estava seguro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medalhão, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Balas vieram voando
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (aposto que você pensou que estava seguro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying through my window
Las balas volaron a través de mi ventana
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Estaba en tu sombra tratando de escapar
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nos mudamos al campo, la ciudad se volvió fea
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Y pensamos que estábamos a salvo, hicimos nuestra escapada
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Settle your debt, settle down
Saldar tu deuda, tranquilízate
It's only us, looking for peace
Solo somos nosotros, buscando paz
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while
Tengo a esta diosa con una correa corta para siempre, mientras
Bullets came flying through my window
Las balas volaron a través de mi ventana
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Estaba en tu sombra tratando de escapar
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nos mudamos al campo, la ciudad se volvió fea
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Y pensamos que estábamos a salvo, hicimos nuestra escapada
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (apuesto a que pensaste que estabas a salvo)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (apuesto a que pensaste que estabas a salvo)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Las balas volaron
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (apuesto a que pensaste que estabas a salvo)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallón, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Las balas volaron
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (apuesto a que pensaste que estabas a salvo)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying through my window
Des balles ont volé à travers ma fenêtre
I was in your shadow tryna escape
J'étais dans ton ombre essayant de m'échapper
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nous avons déménagé à la campagne, la ville est devenue laide
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Et nous pensions être en sécurité, nous avons fait notre évasion
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Settle your debt, settle down
Règle ta dette, calme-toi
It's only us, looking for peace
C'est seulement nous, cherchant la paix
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while
J'ai cette déesse en laisse courte pour de bon, pendant un moment
Bullets came flying through my window
Des balles ont volé à travers ma fenêtre
I was in your shadow tryna escape
J'étais dans ton ombre essayant de m'échapper
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Nous avons déménagé à la campagne, la ville est devenue laide
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Et nous pensions être en sécurité, nous avons fait notre évasion
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (tu pensais être en sécurité)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (tu pensais être en sécurité)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Des balles ont volé
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (tu pensais être en sécurité)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Médaillon, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Des balles ont volé
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (tu pensais être en sécurité)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying through my window
Kugeln kamen durch mein Fenster geflogen
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Ich war in deinem Schatten und versuchte zu entkommen
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Wir zogen aufs Land, die Stadt wurde hässlich
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Und wir dachten, wir wären sicher, wir machten unsere Flucht
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Settle your debt, settle down
Begleiche deine Schulden, beruhige dich
It's only us, looking for peace
Es sind nur wir, die nach Frieden suchen
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while
Hab die Göttin an die kurze Leine genommen, für immer, während
Bullets came flying through my window
Kugeln kamen durch mein Fenster geflogen
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Ich stand in deinem Schatten und versuchte zu entkommen
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Wir zogen aufs Land, die Stadt wurde hässlich
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
Und wir dachten, wir wären sicher, wir machten unsere Flucht
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (ich wette, du dachtest du wärst sicher)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (ich wette du dachtest du wärst sicher)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Kugeln kamen geflogen
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (ich wette, du dachtest du wärst sicher)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaillon, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
Kugeln kamen geflogen
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah ( ich wette du dachtest du wärst sicher)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying through my window
I proiettili volavano attraverso la mia finestra
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Ero nella tua ombra cercando di scappare
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Ci siamo trasferiti in campagna, la città è diventata brutta
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
E pensavamo di essere al sicuro, abbiamo fatto la nostra fuga
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Settle your debt, settle down
Sistema il tuo debito, calmati
It's only us, looking for peace
Siamo solo noi, in cerca di pace
Got this goddess on a short leash for good, while
Ho questa dea al guinzaglio per bene, per un po'
Bullets came flying through my window
I proiettili volavano attraverso la mia finestra
I was in your shadow tryna escape
Ero nella tua ombra cercando di scappare
We moved to the country, the city got ugly
Ci siamo trasferiti in campagna, la città è diventata brutta
And we thought we were safe, we made our escape
E pensavamo di essere al sicuro, abbiamo fatto la nostra fuga
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (scommetto che pensavi di essere al sicuro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (scommetto che pensavi di essere al sicuro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
I proiettili volavano
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (scommetto che pensavi di essere al sicuro)
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Medallion, hmm-mm
Medaglione, hmm-mm
Bullets came flying
I proiettili volavano
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (bet you thought you were safe)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (scommetto che pensavi di essere al sicuro)

Curiosidades sobre a música Medallion de Jenevieve

Em quais álbuns a música “Medallion” foi lançada por Jenevieve?
Jenevieve lançou a música nos álbums “Division” em 2021 e “Medallion” em 2021.
De quem é a composição da música “Medallion” de Jenevieve?
A música “Medallion” de Jenevieve foi composta por Hubert Laws, Jason Schweitzer, Jenevieve Johnson, Jerome Ta, Jonathan Beuzieron.

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