Sound of Mariachi Bands
Jesus was a guy that I met at El Tin Tan about a year and a half ago
Drinking shots and shooting pool
'Cause in the Men's Room they were doing lines of coke
He worked too hard for his wage
'Til two he turned into a rage
'Til two he'd laugh about his life
About his father and his Guatemalan wife
Every night Joanne was working at the bar for some 30 years
Once we asked her if she was happy
She said she was saving and one day getting out of here
But she will never change
Except gray and wrinkles that come with age
I catch the essence in my clothes and on my hands
Camels, spilled Corona and the sound of mariachi bands
So where's my sense of humor?
My life is a disaster
No one has a future
So let's all get there faster
In the morning the sun fills my room
I think I'll call in sick today and keep my afternoon