Hollywood, Florida
I'm back in my fantasy
And I'm not scared
That moment I was free between hits
Until I tasted the sweet salt of a nose bleed
When the fear of living
Exceeds the fear of death
We dance
We dance like our lives depend on it
If you can't handle me at my Ted Kaczynski
Honey, you don't deserve me at my Chuck Bukowski
Nobody cares
Unless you're pretty or dead
When the fear of living
Exceeds the fear of, of death
We gotta dance like our lives depend on it
"Yo, dude
Well, okay, I thought you fucking died
Fucking turned blue and shit
Uh, so I went ahead and I cleared your internet browser history
You watch so much interracial porn
Like, a lot a lot"
Yeah man, you ever see a white guy fuck?
Ugh, ugh
It's like watching him dance
It is not good
Want me to show you my true face?
I'm a monster
I'm a monster
I'm a monster, I know
I was just trying to come down from the feeling of being god
I'm a god
I'm a monster
I'm a monster
I'm a monster
I'm a god