Destination Europa (A Home)
(There's somebody out here....)
(There's something out here....)
[Verse 1]
I've been here
Looking out the same window
For so long
I've forgotten what it's like
To view the world differently
The sights around me
Begin to change
In ways forgotten
[Verse 2]
The whipping winds
Of the world ahead
The intensity
Like a mind
And the clouds grow larger
As Ganymede seems farther
The intensity grows stronger
And the emptiness, quieter
[Verse 3]
A song sung out
Brought me here
To new sights
I step out of the window
And my eyes add to the surface
The ground grows around
There's a new feeling
Never felt on a lunar surface
[Verse 4]
I wait
As ships grow near
And friends appear
After all this time
A silence, lifelong
I'm found
...I'm here
On destination Europa
[Verse 5]
Once a lifetime away
A love impossible to convey
For destination Europa
And after what feels like a life of silence
The chorus has come
[Verse 6]
All I've done
This distance from the sun
And the feelings that nearly won
Led to a new life, one that's just begun