
Jaime Gonzalez

[Female Voice]
Where are you, guys?
You're like never at home
Or you're not in the city or something, but...
Call me! This is Kerra, 818-?!?-0333
I'm tired of you
Somebody pick up the phone and call my number, Bye!

Message saved

Baby, you keep calling me
Is it 'cause we got what you need?
Baby, why you keep calling me?
Are you trying to get the recipe?

Do you want to get with Swab?
Do you want to get with J-Dant'e?
Do you want to get with Mav'?
want to get at PZ?

(Male Voice)

(Female Voice)
Hello, may I please speak to one of the members of Ideal?

Girl, you keep calling
Trying to get the recipe
To fulfill your fantasies
We got just what you need
Just add a little Mav' and a pinch of PZ
Factor in some Swab and a shot of J-D

You keep calling me
Trying to get the recipe
'Cause we got just what you need

To fulfill your fantasies
Baby, you keep calling me
Is it 'cause we got what you need?
Baby, why you keep calling me?
Are you trying to get the recipe?

Do you want to get with Swab?
Do you want to get with J-Dant'e?
Do you want to get with Mav'?
want to get at PZ?

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