I Want Out


Letra Significado Tradução

From our lives' beginning on
We are pushed in little forms
No one asks us how we like to be
In school they teach you what to think
But everyone says different things
But they're all convinced that
They're the ones to see

So they keep talking and they never stop
And at a certain point you give it up
So the only thing that's left to think is this

(I want out) to live my life alone
(I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free

People tell me a and b
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear

But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be

(I want out)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free

There's a million ways to see the things in life
A million ways to be the fool
In the end of it, none of us is right
Sometimes we need to be alone

No no no, leave me alone

To live my life alone (I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free
(I want out)

O Grito de Independência em I Want Out do Helloween

A música I Want Out da banda Helloween é um hino de independência e autodeterminação, que ressoa fortemente com aqueles que se sentem oprimidos ou conformados pelas expectativas da sociedade. A letra da música reflete um desejo ardente de liberdade e a luta para escapar das imposições e da uniformidade que muitas vezes são impostas desde o início de nossas vidas.

O início da canção aborda a maneira como somos moldados desde a infância, com ênfase na educação e nas normas sociais que tentam nos ensinar o que pensar e como agir. A banda critica a forma como diferentes autoridades – sejam elas educacionais, sociais ou políticas – afirmam possuir a verdade absoluta, mas acabam apenas confundindo e restringindo o indivíduo. A repetição das palavras 'I want out' é um poderoso refrão que expressa o desejo de romper com essas correntes e viver uma vida de acordo com as próprias regras e desejos.

A música também toca em um tema universal: a existência de múltiplas perspectivas e a relatividade da 'verdade'. Ao afirmar que 'no final, nenhum de nós está certo', a banda sugere que, às vezes, é necessário se afastar das influências externas para encontrar o próprio caminho. A banda Helloween, conhecida por seu estilo power metal, utiliza a energia e a velocidade do gênero para transmitir uma sensação de urgência e força, que complementa a mensagem de autenticidade e liberdade individual expressa na letra. I Want Out continua a ser uma das músicas mais emblemáticas do Helloween, ressoando com fãs que buscam inspiração para viver uma vida autêntica e livre.

From our lives' beginning on
Desde o início de nossas vidas
We are pushed in little forms
Somos empurrados em pequenas formas
No one asks us how we like to be
Ninguém nos pergunta como gostaríamos de ser
In school they teach you what to think
Na escola eles ensinam você o que pensar
But everyone says different things
Mas todo mundo diz coisas diferentes
But they're all convinced that
Mas todos estão convencidos de que
They're the ones to see
Eles são os únicos a ver
So they keep talking and they never stop
Então eles continuam falando e nunca param
And at a certain point you give it up
E em certo ponto você desiste
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Então a única coisa que resta a pensar é isso
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Eu quero sair) para viver minha vida sozinho
(I want out)
(Eu quero sair)
Leave me be (I want out)
Deixe-me em paz (eu quero sair)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para fazer as coisas por conta própria (eu quero sair)
To live my life and to be free
Para viver minha vida e ser livre
People tell me a and b
As pessoas me dizem a e b
They tell me how I have to see
Eles me dizem como eu tenho que ver
Things that I have seen already clear
Coisas que eu já vi claramente
So they push me then from side to side
Então eles me empurram de um lado para o outro
They're pushing me from black to white
Eles estão me empurrando de preto para branco
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Eles estão empurrando até não haver mais nada para ouvir
But don't push me to the maximum
Mas não me empurre ao máximo
Shut your mouth and take it home
Cale a boca e leve para casa
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Porque eu decido como as coisas vão ser
(I want out)
(Eu quero sair)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Para viver minha vida sozinho (eu quero sair)
Leave me be (I want out)
Deixe-me em paz (eu quero sair)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para fazer as coisas por conta própria (eu quero sair)
To live my life and to be free
Para viver minha vida e ser livre
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Há um milhão de maneiras de ver as coisas na vida
A million ways to be the fool
Um milhão de maneiras de ser o tolo
In the end of it, none of us is right
No final, nenhum de nós está certo
Sometimes we need to be alone
Às vezes precisamos estar sozinhos
No no no, leave me alone
Não, não, não, me deixe em paz
To live my life alone (I want out)
Para viver minha vida sozinho (eu quero sair)
Leave me be (I want out)
Deixe-me em paz (eu quero sair)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para fazer as coisas por conta própria (eu quero sair)
To live my life and to be free
Para viver minha vida e ser livre
(I want out)
(Eu quero sair)
From our lives' beginning on
Desde el comienzo de nuestras vidas
We are pushed in little forms
Nos empujan en pequeñas formas
No one asks us how we like to be
Nadie nos pregunta cómo nos gustaría ser
In school they teach you what to think
En la escuela te enseñan qué pensar
But everyone says different things
Pero todos dicen cosas diferentes
But they're all convinced that
Pero todos están convencidos de que
They're the ones to see
Ellos son los que deben ver
So they keep talking and they never stop
Así que siguen hablando y nunca paran
And at a certain point you give it up
Y en cierto punto te rindes
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Así que lo único que queda por pensar es esto
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Quiero salir) para vivir mi vida solo
(I want out)
(Quiero salir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Déjame ser (quiero salir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para hacer las cosas por mi cuenta (quiero salir)
To live my life and to be free
Para vivir mi vida y ser libre
People tell me a and b
La gente me dice a y b
They tell me how I have to see
Me dicen cómo tengo que ver
Things that I have seen already clear
Cosas que ya he visto claramente
So they push me then from side to side
Así que me empujan de un lado a otro
They're pushing me from black to white
Me empujan de negro a blanco
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Empujan hasta que no queda nada más que oír
But don't push me to the maximum
Pero no me empujes al máximo
Shut your mouth and take it home
Cierra la boca y llévatelo a casa
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Porque yo decido cómo van a ser las cosas
(I want out)
(Quiero salir)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Para vivir mi vida solo (quiero salir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Déjame ser (quiero salir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para hacer las cosas por mi cuenta (quiero salir)
To live my life and to be free
Para vivir mi vida y ser libre
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Hay un millón de formas de ver las cosas en la vida
A million ways to be the fool
Un millón de formas de ser el tonto
In the end of it, none of us is right
Al final de todo, ninguno de nosotros tiene razón
Sometimes we need to be alone
A veces necesitamos estar solos
No no no, leave me alone
No no no, déjame solo
To live my life alone (I want out)
Para vivir mi vida solo (quiero salir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Déjame ser (quiero salir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Para hacer las cosas por mi cuenta (quiero salir)
To live my life and to be free
Para vivir mi vida y ser libre
(I want out)
(Quiero salir)
From our lives' beginning on
Dès le début de nos vies
We are pushed in little forms
On nous pousse dans de petites formes
No one asks us how we like to be
Personne ne nous demande comment nous aimons être
In school they teach you what to think
À l'école, ils t'apprennent quoi penser
But everyone says different things
Mais tout le monde dit des choses différentes
But they're all convinced that
Mais ils sont tous convaincus que
They're the ones to see
Ils sont ceux à voir
So they keep talking and they never stop
Alors ils continuent à parler et ils ne s'arrêtent jamais
And at a certain point you give it up
Et à un certain moment, tu abandonnes
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Alors la seule chose qui reste à penser est ceci
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Je veux sortir) pour vivre ma vie seul
(I want out)
(Je veux sortir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Laissez-moi être (Je veux sortir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Pour faire les choses par moi-même (Je veux sortir)
To live my life and to be free
Pour vivre ma vie et être libre
People tell me a and b
Les gens me disent a et b
They tell me how I have to see
Ils me disent comment je dois voir
Things that I have seen already clear
Des choses que j'ai déjà clairement vues
So they push me then from side to side
Alors ils me poussent de côté en côté
They're pushing me from black to white
Ils me poussent du noir au blanc
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Ils poussent jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus rien à entendre
But don't push me to the maximum
Mais ne me poussez pas au maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
Ferme ta bouche et rentre chez toi
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Car je décide de la façon dont les choses vont être
(I want out)
(Je veux sortir)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Pour vivre ma vie seul (Je veux sortir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Laissez-moi être (Je veux sortir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Pour faire les choses par moi-même (Je veux sortir)
To live my life and to be free
Pour vivre ma vie et être libre
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Il y a un million de façons de voir les choses dans la vie
A million ways to be the fool
Un million de façons d'être le fou
In the end of it, none of us is right
À la fin de tout, aucun de nous n'a raison
Sometimes we need to be alone
Parfois, nous avons besoin d'être seuls
No no no, leave me alone
Non non non, laissez-moi seul
To live my life alone (I want out)
Pour vivre ma vie seul (Je veux sortir)
Leave me be (I want out)
Laissez-moi être (Je veux sortir)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Pour faire les choses par moi-même (Je veux sortir)
To live my life and to be free
Pour vivre ma vie et être libre
(I want out)
(Je veux sortir)
From our lives' beginning on
Von Anfang unseres Lebens an
We are pushed in little forms
Werden wir in kleine Formen gedrängt
No one asks us how we like to be
Niemand fragt uns, wie wir sein möchten
In school they teach you what to think
In der Schule lehren sie dir, was du denken sollst
But everyone says different things
Aber jeder sagt verschiedene Dinge
But they're all convinced that
Aber sie sind alle überzeugt, dass
They're the ones to see
Sie diejenigen sind, die es sehen sollen
So they keep talking and they never stop
Also reden sie weiter und sie hören nie auf
And at a certain point you give it up
Und an einem bestimmten Punkt gibst du es auf
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Das einzige, was noch zu denken übrig bleibt, ist das
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Ich will raus) um mein Leben alleine zu leben
(I want out)
(Ich will raus)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lass mich in Ruhe (Ich will raus)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Um Dinge alleine zu tun (Ich will raus)
To live my life and to be free
Um mein Leben zu leben und frei zu sein
People tell me a and b
Leute erzählen mir a und b
They tell me how I have to see
Sie sagen mir, wie ich sehen muss
Things that I have seen already clear
Dinge, die ich schon klar gesehen habe
So they push me then from side to side
Also drängen sie mich dann von Seite zu Seite
They're pushing me from black to white
Sie drängen mich von Schwarz zu Weiß
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Sie drängen, bis es nichts mehr zu hören gibt
But don't push me to the maximum
Aber dränge mich nicht bis zum Maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
Halt den Mund und nimm es mit nach Hause
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Denn ich entscheide, wie die Dinge sein werden
(I want out)
(Ich will raus)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Um mein Leben alleine zu leben (Ich will raus)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lass mich in Ruhe (Ich will raus)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Um Dinge alleine zu tun (Ich will raus)
To live my life and to be free
Um mein Leben zu leben und frei zu sein
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Es gibt eine Million Möglichkeiten, die Dinge im Leben zu sehen
A million ways to be the fool
Eine Million Möglichkeiten, der Narr zu sein
In the end of it, none of us is right
Am Ende ist keiner von uns richtig
Sometimes we need to be alone
Manchmal müssen wir alleine sein
No no no, leave me alone
Nein nein nein, lass mich in Ruhe
To live my life alone (I want out)
Um mein Leben alleine zu leben (Ich will raus)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lass mich in Ruhe (Ich will raus)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Um Dinge alleine zu tun (Ich will raus)
To live my life and to be free
Um mein Leben zu leben und frei zu sein
(I want out)
(Ich will raus)
From our lives' beginning on
Dall'inizio delle nostre vite
We are pushed in little forms
Siamo spinti in piccole forme
No one asks us how we like to be
Nessuno ci chiede come ci piacerebbe essere
In school they teach you what to think
A scuola ti insegnano cosa pensare
But everyone says different things
Ma tutti dicono cose diverse
But they're all convinced that
Ma sono tutti convinti che
They're the ones to see
Siano loro a vedere
So they keep talking and they never stop
Quindi continuano a parlare e non si fermano mai
And at a certain point you give it up
E ad un certo punto ti arrendi
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Quindi l'unica cosa che rimane da pensare è questa
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Voglio uscire) per vivere la mia vita da solo
(I want out)
(Voglio uscire)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lasciami stare (Voglio uscire)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Per fare le cose da solo (Voglio uscire)
To live my life and to be free
Per vivere la mia vita e essere libero
People tell me a and b
Le persone mi dicono a e b
They tell me how I have to see
Mi dicono come devo vedere
Things that I have seen already clear
Cose che ho già visto chiaramente
So they push me then from side to side
Quindi mi spingono da un lato all'altro
They're pushing me from black to white
Mi spingono dal nero al bianco
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Spingono fino a quando non c'è più nulla da sentire
But don't push me to the maximum
Ma non spingermi al massimo
Shut your mouth and take it home
Chiudi la bocca e portala a casa
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Perché decido io come saranno le cose
(I want out)
(Voglio uscire)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Per vivere la mia vita da solo (Voglio uscire)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lasciami stare (Voglio uscire)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Per fare le cose da solo (Voglio uscire)
To live my life and to be free
Per vivere la mia vita e essere libero
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Ci sono un milione di modi per vedere le cose nella vita
A million ways to be the fool
Un milione di modi per essere lo sciocco
In the end of it, none of us is right
Alla fine, nessuno di noi ha ragione
Sometimes we need to be alone
A volte abbiamo bisogno di stare da soli
No no no, leave me alone
No no no, lasciami in pace
To live my life alone (I want out)
Per vivere la mia vita da solo (Voglio uscire)
Leave me be (I want out)
Lasciami stare (Voglio uscire)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Per fare le cose da solo (Voglio uscire)
To live my life and to be free
Per vivere la mia vita e essere libero
(I want out)
(Voglio uscire)
From our lives' beginning on
Dari awal kehidupan kita
We are pushed in little forms
Kita didorong ke dalam bentuk-bentuk kecil
No one asks us how we like to be
Tak ada yang bertanya bagaimana kita ingin hidup
In school they teach you what to think
Di sekolah mereka mengajarkan apa yang harus dipikirkan
But everyone says different things
Tapi setiap orang mengatakan hal yang berbeda
But they're all convinced that
Namun mereka semua yakin bahwa
They're the ones to see
Mereka yang paling benar
So they keep talking and they never stop
Jadi mereka terus berbicara dan tidak pernah berhenti
And at a certain point you give it up
Dan pada titik tertentu kamu menyerah
So the only thing that's left to think is this
Jadi satu-satunya hal yang tersisa untuk dipikirkan adalah ini
(I want out) to live my life alone
(Saya ingin keluar) untuk hidup sendiri
(I want out)
(Saya ingin keluar)
Leave me be (I want out)
Biarkan saya (Saya ingin keluar)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Untuk melakukan hal-hal sendiri (Saya ingin keluar)
To live my life and to be free
Untuk hidup dan untuk bebas
People tell me a and b
Orang-orang memberitahuku A dan B
They tell me how I have to see
Mereka memberitahuku bagaimana aku harus melihat
Things that I have seen already clear
Hal-hal yang sudah jelas kulihat
So they push me then from side to side
Jadi mereka mendorongku dari sisi ke sisi
They're pushing me from black to white
Mereka mendorongku dari hitam ke putih
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
Mereka mendorong sampai tidak ada lagi yang bisa didengar
But don't push me to the maximum
Tapi jangan dorong saya sampai maksimum
Shut your mouth and take it home
Tutup mulutmu dan bawa pulang
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
Karena saya yang memutuskan bagaimana hal-hal akan terjadi
(I want out)
(Saya ingin keluar)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Untuk hidup sendiri (Saya ingin keluar)
Leave me be (I want out)
Biarkan saya (Saya ingin keluar)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Untuk melakukan hal-hal sendiri (Saya ingin keluar)
To live my life and to be free
Untuk hidup dan untuk bebas
There's a million ways to see the things in life
Ada jutaan cara untuk melihat hal-hal dalam hidup
A million ways to be the fool
Jutaan cara untuk menjadi orang bodoh
In the end of it, none of us is right
Pada akhirnya, tidak ada dari kita yang benar
Sometimes we need to be alone
Kadang-kadang kita perlu sendiri
No no no, leave me alone
Tidak tidak tidak, biarkan saya sendiri
To live my life alone (I want out)
Untuk hidup sendiri (Saya ingin keluar)
Leave me be (I want out)
Biarkan saya (Saya ingin keluar)
To do things on my own (I want out)
Untuk melakukan hal-hal sendiri (Saya ingin keluar)
To live my life and to be free
Untuk hidup dan untuk bebas
(I want out)
(Saya ingin keluar)
From our lives' beginning on
We are pushed in little forms
No one asks us how we like to be
In school they teach you what to think
But everyone says different things
แต่ทุกคนบอกว่าสิ่งต่างๆ ไม่เหมือนกัน
But they're all convinced that
They're the ones to see
So they keep talking and they never stop
And at a certain point you give it up
So the only thing that's left to think is this
(I want out) to live my life alone
(ฉันต้องการออกไป) ใช้ชีวิตคนเดียว
(I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
ปล่อยฉันเถอะ (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To do things on my own (I want out)
ทำอะไรด้วยตัวเอง (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To live my life and to be free
People tell me a and b
คนบอกฉันว่า a และ b
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
เพราะฉันตัดสินใจว่าสิ่งต่างๆ จะเป็นอย่างไร
(I want out)
To live my life alone (I want out)
ใช้ชีวิตคนเดียว (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
Leave me be (I want out)
ปล่อยฉันเถอะ (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To do things on my own (I want out)
ทำอะไรด้วยตัวเอง (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To live my life and to be free
There's a million ways to see the things in life
มีหลายล้านวิธีในการมองเห็นสิ่งต่างๆ ในชีวิต
A million ways to be the fool
In the end of it, none of us is right
Sometimes we need to be alone
No no no, leave me alone
ไม่ ไม่ ไม่ ปล่อยฉันเถอะ
To live my life alone (I want out)
ใช้ชีวิตคนเดียว (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
Leave me be (I want out)
ปล่อยฉันเถอะ (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To do things on my own (I want out)
ทำอะไรด้วยตัวเอง (ฉันต้องการออกไป)
To live my life and to be free
(I want out)
From our lives' beginning on
We are pushed in little forms
No one asks us how we like to be
In school they teach you what to think
But everyone says different things
But they're all convinced that
They're the ones to see
So they keep talking and they never stop
And at a certain point you give it up
So the only thing that's left to think is this
(I want out) to live my life alone
(I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free
People tell me a and b
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
(I want out)
To live my life alone (I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free
There's a million ways to see the things in life
A million ways to be the fool
In the end of it, none of us is right
Sometimes we need to be alone
No no no, leave me alone
To live my life alone (I want out)
Leave me be (I want out)
To do things on my own (I want out)
To live my life and to be free
(I want out)

Curiosidades sobre a música I Want Out de Helloween

Em quais álbuns a música “I Want Out” foi lançada por Helloween?
Helloween lançou a música nos álbums “Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 2” em 1988, “Keeper of the Seven Keys, Pt. 2” em 1988, “Live in the U.K.” em 1989, “The Best, the Rest, the Rare” em 1991, “Treasure Chest” em 2002, “The Singles Box 1985-1992” em 2006 e “United Alive in Madrid” em 2019.
De quem é a composição da música “I Want Out” de Helloween?
A música “I Want Out” de Helloween foi composta por KAI HANSEN.

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