My Reply
You should be in a mental hospital
You wanna play victim that's hypocritical a little
Don't you think?
Write me letters which are trying to belittle
Saying you love me is a joke, truth is it'll
Only bring back the fact you cheated on my ass
Now you wanna be the one? Nah thanks, I'll pass
Don't make me out to be the bad one when you made out with someone else lass
That shit cut my heart like broken glass
About time you're getting your own medicine
Sorry isn't enough, recording replies in Edison
But just because I'm shy to talk to you at least imma gentlemen
You're an unloyal cretin
Left me alone to be beaten
Used to question why you dumped me, was I defeated?
Nah you got bored of my lips and when ahead and cheated
That made me feel depleted
So no, I won't second chance, get yourself treated
I'm sorry if the truth is a little heated
Don't compare me to Romeo, we are nothing alike
So go ahead on your bike
I said we're nothing alike so take a fucking hike
This story is true folks, shes slippery like runny yolk
And our fake love might as well have been an elaborate hoax
I smell fake but I didn't dwell
Thinking our love could break me out of my cell
I'm stuck in my shell, opening up to others is how I fell
But opening up to you is moronic so id rather go to hell
Pretend you give two fucks I'm leaving, I know what really is grieving
If you gave a fuck you'd spend most of your time believing
And less of your time deceiving
I'm sorry if that isn't the case but its what I'm perceiving
In fact, fuck that sorry, I'm tired off all the grace
It feels good to make you question love, so give me my space
I'm running this place, you're not in charge anymore so get the fuck out my face
Leave me abused, leave me up all bruised
Left me confused, all I was, was fucking used
Now you're crying that all you are is refused
What a joke, what a joke, what a joke, what a joke. x2