
Gregory Porter

Letra Tradução

With a million stars in the galaxy
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
With a million miles of audiometry
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity

Sixty thousand feet up in the air
I can't wait to come down, drop down
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Slicing through the stratosphere
Twice the speed of sound
My life is moving under me
Before I touch the ground

Thirty thousand feet up in the air
I can't wait to get there, drop down
The only thing I seem to see around
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Slicing through the stratosphere
Twice the speed of sound
My life is moving under me
Before I touch the ground, oh

Thirty thousand feet up in the air
I can't wait to come down, drop down
The only thing I seem to see around
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Slicing through the stratosphere
Twice the speed of sound
You are my life that's moving under me
Before I touch the ground, oh

And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
I can't wait to get there, drop down

With a million stars in the galaxy
Com um milhão de estrelas na galáxia
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
Quando estou flutuando com elas, é difícil para mim ver
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
Estou me agarrando a esta querida terra enquanto ela gira comigo
With a million miles of audiometry
Com um milhão de milhas de audiometria
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
E a lua como um bobo olhando para mim
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity
Estou me agarrando a esta querida terra com amor e gravidade
Sixty thousand feet up in the air
Sessenta mil pés acima no ar
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Mal posso esperar para descer, cair
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
Eu fui aquele tolo, deixei meu combustível acabar
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Deixe meu povo saber que estou totalmente caído
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando a estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Duas vezes a velocidade do som
My life is moving under me
Minha vida está se movendo sob mim
Before I touch the ground
Antes de eu tocar o chão
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trinta mil pés acima no ar
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Mal posso esperar para chegar lá, cair
The only thing I seem to see around
A única coisa que pareço ver ao redor
The sand in which you stand within my hand
A areia em que você está dentro da minha mão
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando a estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Duas vezes a velocidade do som
My life is moving under me
Minha vida está se movendo sob mim
Before I touch the ground, oh
Antes de eu tocar o chão, oh
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trinta mil pés acima no ar
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Mal posso esperar para descer, cair
The only thing I seem to see around
A única coisa que pareço ver ao redor
The sand in which you stand within my hand
A areia em que você está dentro da minha mão
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando a estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Duas vezes a velocidade do som
You are my life that's moving under me
Você é minha vida que está se movendo sob mim
Before I touch the ground, oh
Antes de eu tocar o chão, oh
And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
E agora, dez mil pés acima no ar
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Mal posso esperar para chegar lá, cair
With a million stars in the galaxy
Con un millón de estrellas en la galaxia
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
Cuando floto con ellas, me resulta difícil ver
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
Me aferro a esta querida tierra mientras gira conmigo
With a million miles of audiometry
Con un millón de millas de audiometría
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
Y la luna como un tonto mirándome fijamente
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity
Me aferro a esta querida tierra con amor y gravedad
Sixty thousand feet up in the air
Sesenta mil pies en el aire
I can't wait to come down, drop down
No puedo esperar para bajar, caer
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
He sido ese tonto, dejé que mi combustible se agotara
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Dejen que mi gente sepa que he caído completamente
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando la estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Dos veces la velocidad del sonido
My life is moving under me
Mi vida se mueve debajo de mí
Before I touch the ground
Antes de tocar el suelo
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Treinta mil pies en el aire
I can't wait to get there, drop down
No puedo esperar para llegar allí, caer
The only thing I seem to see around
Lo único que parezco ver alrededor
The sand in which you stand within my hand
La arena en la que te paras dentro de mi mano
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando la estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Dos veces la velocidad del sonido
My life is moving under me
Mi vida se mueve debajo de mí
Before I touch the ground, oh
Antes de tocar el suelo, oh
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Treinta mil pies en el aire
I can't wait to come down, drop down
No puedo esperar para bajar, caer
The only thing I seem to see around
Lo único que parezco ver alrededor
The sand in which you stand within my hand
La arena en la que te paras dentro de mi mano
Slicing through the stratosphere
Cortando la estratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Dos veces la velocidad del sonido
You are my life that's moving under me
Eres mi vida que se mueve debajo de mí
Before I touch the ground, oh
Antes de tocar el suelo, oh
And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
Y ahora, diez mil pies en el aire
I can't wait to get there, drop down
No puedo esperar para llegar allí, caer
With a million stars in the galaxy
Avec un million d'étoiles dans la galaxie
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
Quand je flotte avec elles, il m'est difficile de voir
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
Je m'accroche à cette chère terre alors qu'elle tourne avec moi
With a million miles of audiometry
Avec un million de kilomètres d'audiométrie
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
Et la lune comme un idiot me fixant
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity
Je m'accroche à cette chère terre avec amour et gravité
Sixty thousand feet up in the air
Soixante mille pieds dans les airs
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Je ne peux pas attendre de redescendre, de tomber
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
J'ai été cet imbécile, j'ai laissé mon carburant s'épuiser
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Faites savoir à mon peuple que je suis complètement tombé
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tranchant à travers la stratosphère
Twice the speed of sound
Deux fois la vitesse du son
My life is moving under me
Ma vie se déplace sous moi
Before I touch the ground
Avant que je ne touche le sol
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trente mille pieds dans les airs
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Je ne peux pas attendre d'y arriver, de tomber
The only thing I seem to see around
La seule chose que je semble voir autour
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Le sable dans lequel tu te tiens dans ma main
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tranchant à travers la stratosphère
Twice the speed of sound
Deux fois la vitesse du son
My life is moving under me
Ma vie se déplace sous moi
Before I touch the ground, oh
Avant que je ne touche le sol, oh
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trente mille pieds dans les airs
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Je ne peux pas attendre de redescendre, de tomber
The only thing I seem to see around
La seule chose que je semble voir autour
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Le sable dans lequel tu te tiens dans ma main
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tranchant à travers la stratosphère
Twice the speed of sound
Deux fois la vitesse du son
You are my life that's moving under me
Tu es ma vie qui se déplace sous moi
Before I touch the ground, oh
Avant que je ne touche le sol, oh
And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
Et maintenant, dix mille pieds dans les airs
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Je ne peux pas attendre d'y arriver, de tomber
With a million stars in the galaxy
Mit einer Million Sternen in der Galaxie
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
Wenn ich mit ihnen schwebe, fällt es mir schwer zu sehen
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
Ich halte mich an dieser lieben Erde fest, während sie sich mit mir dreht
With a million miles of audiometry
Mit einer Million Meilen Audiometrie
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
Und der Mond wie ein Trottel, der mich anstarrt
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity
Ich halte mich an dieser lieben Erde fest, mit Liebe und Schwerkraft
Sixty thousand feet up in the air
Sechzigtausend Fuß hoch in der Luft
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, herunterzukommen, abzustürzen
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
Ich war dieser Narr, ich ließ meinen Treibstoff zur Neige gehen
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Lasst meine Leute wissen, dass ich ganz abgestürzt bin
Slicing through the stratosphere
Durch die Stratosphäre schneiden
Twice the speed of sound
Zweimal die Schallgeschwindigkeit
My life is moving under me
Mein Leben bewegt sich unter mir
Before I touch the ground
Bevor ich den Boden berühre
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Dreißigtausend Fuß hoch in der Luft
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dorthin zu gelangen, abzustürzen
The only thing I seem to see around
Das einzige, was ich zu sehen scheine, ist ringsum
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Der Sand, in dem du stehst, in meiner Hand
Slicing through the stratosphere
Durch die Stratosphäre schneiden
Twice the speed of sound
Zweimal die Schallgeschwindigkeit
My life is moving under me
Mein Leben bewegt sich unter mir
Before I touch the ground, oh
Bevor ich den Boden berühre, oh
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Dreißigtausend Fuß hoch in der Luft
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, herunterzukommen, abzustürzen
The only thing I seem to see around
Das einzige, was ich zu sehen scheine, ist ringsum
The sand in which you stand within my hand
Der Sand, in dem du stehst, in meiner Hand
Slicing through the stratosphere
Durch die Stratosphäre schneiden
Twice the speed of sound
Zweimal die Schallgeschwindigkeit
You are my life that's moving under me
Du bist mein Leben, das sich unter mir bewegt
Before I touch the ground, oh
Bevor ich den Boden berühre, oh
And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
Und jetzt, zehntausend Fuß hoch in der Luft
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dorthin zu gelangen, abzustürzen
With a million stars in the galaxy
Con un milione di stelle nella galassia
When I'm floating with them it's hard for me to see
Quando sto galleggiando con loro è difficile per me vedere
I'm holding on to this dear earth as it spins around with me
Mi sto aggrappando a questa cara terra mentre gira con me
With a million miles of audiometry
Con un milione di miglia di audiometria
And the moon like a goon staring back at me
E la luna come un buffone che mi guarda indietro
I'm holding on to this dear earth with love and gravity
Mi sto aggrappando a questa cara terra con amore e gravità
Sixty thousand feet up in the air
Sessantamila piedi in aria
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Non vedo l'ora di scendere, cadere
I've been that fool, I let my fuel run low
Sono stato quel pazzo, ho lasciato che il mio carburante si esaurisse
Let my people know I'm all dropped down
Fate sapere alla mia gente che sono tutto caduto
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tagliando attraverso la stratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Due volte la velocità del suono
My life is moving under me
La mia vita si sta muovendo sotto di me
Before I touch the ground
Prima che tocchi il suolo
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trentamila piedi in aria
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Non vedo l'ora di arrivarci, cadere
The only thing I seem to see around
L'unica cosa che sembro vedere intorno
The sand in which you stand within my hand
La sabbia in cui stai in piedi nella mia mano
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tagliando attraverso la stratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Due volte la velocità del suono
My life is moving under me
La mia vita si sta muovendo sotto di me
Before I touch the ground, oh
Prima che tocchi il suolo, oh
Thirty thousand feet up in the air
Trentamila piedi in aria
I can't wait to come down, drop down
Non vedo l'ora di scendere, cadere
The only thing I seem to see around
L'unica cosa che sembro vedere intorno
The sand in which you stand within my hand
La sabbia in cui stai in piedi nella mia mano
Slicing through the stratosphere
Tagliando attraverso la stratosfera
Twice the speed of sound
Due volte la velocità del suono
You are my life that's moving under me
Sei la mia vita che si sta muovendo sotto di me
Before I touch the ground, oh
Prima che tocchi il suolo, oh
And now, ten thousand feet up in the air
E ora, diecimila piedi in aria
I can't wait to get there, drop down
Non vedo l'ora di arrivarci, cadere

Curiosidades sobre a música Concorde de Gregory Porter

Em quais álbuns a música “Concorde” foi lançada por Gregory Porter?
Gregory Porter lançou a música nos álbums “All Rise” em 2020 e “Still Rising - The Collection” em 2021.

Músicas mais populares de Gregory Porter

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