Smiley Faces


Letra Tradução

But what did you do
What did you say
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Where are you know
Where have you been
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend

I need to know this
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
How can the sun
Have any fun
Feeling free

And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
But you keep on smiling for me

So what went right
What went wrong
Was it a story or was it a song
Was it over night
Or did it take you long
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong

For all the above
Oh how I love to see you smiling
An oh yeah
Take a little pain just in case

You need something want to embrace
To help you put on a smiley face
Smiley face

Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Oh see

I believe
Whenever I see you smiling
'Cause excuse me
One of the hardest things to do
Your worries and fears become your friends
And they end up smiling at you
What a smiley face

But what did you do
Mas o que você fez
What did you say
O que você disse
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh, você andou ou você fugiu
Where are you know
Onde você está agora
Where have you been
Onde você esteve
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
Você foi sozinho ou encontrou um amigo
I need to know this
Eu preciso saber disso
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Porque eu percebi que estou apenas sorrindo
How can the sun
Como pode o sol
Have any fun
Se divertir
Feeling free
Sentindo-se livre
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
E eu posso te dizer o quão difícil essa vida pode ser
But you keep on smiling for me
Mas você continua sorrindo para mim
So what went right
Então o que deu certo
What went wrong
O que deu errado
Was it a story or was it a song
Foi uma história ou foi uma música
Was it over night
Foi durante a noite
Or did it take you long
Ou demorou muito para você
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
Foi conhecer sua fraqueza que te fez forte
For all the above
Para todas as opções acima
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh, como eu amo te ver sorrindo
An oh yeah
E oh sim
Take a little pain just in case
Aceite um pouco de dor, apenas por precaução
You need something want to embrace
Você precisa de algo para abraçar
To help you put on a smiley face
Para te ajudar a colocar um rosto sorridente
Smiley face
Rosto sorridente
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Não vá para o novo dia sem se abater
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Aqui está um resumo de algo que te deixa triste
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Diga por exemplo minha namorada, ela me incomoda o tempo todo
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Mas a ironia de tudo isso é que ela me ama o tempo todo
Oh see
Oh veja
I believe
Eu acredito
Whenever I see you smiling
Sempre que eu te vejo sorrindo
'Cause excuse me
Porque me desculpe
One of the hardest things to do
Mas é facilmente uma das coisas mais difíceis de fazer
Your worries and fears become your friends
Suas preocupações e medos se tornam seus amigos
And they end up smiling at you
E eles acabam sorrindo para você
What a smiley face
Coloque um rosto sorridente
But what did you do
Pero ¿qué hiciste?
What did you say
¿Qué dijiste?
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh, ¿caminaste o huiste?
Where are you know
¿Dónde estás ahora?
Where have you been
¿Dónde has estado?
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
¿Fuiste solo o encontraste un amigo?
I need to know this
Necesito saber esto
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Porque me di cuenta de que solo estoy sonriendo
How can the sun
¿Cómo puede el sol
Have any fun
Feeling free
Sintiéndose libre
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
Y puedo decirte lo dura que puede ser esta vida
But you keep on smiling for me
Pero sigues sonriendo para mí
So what went right
Entonces, ¿qué salió bien?
What went wrong
¿Qué salió mal?
Was it a story or was it a song
¿Fue una historia o fue una canción?
Was it over night
¿Fue de la noche a la mañana?
Or did it take you long
¿O te llevó mucho tiempo?
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
¿Fue conocer tu debilidad lo que te hizo fuerte?
For all the above
Por todo lo anterior
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh, cómo me encanta verte sonreír
An oh yeah
Y oh sí
Take a little pain just in case
Aguanta un poco de dolor por si acaso
You need something want to embrace
Necesitas algo que quieras abrazar
To help you put on a smiley face
Para ayudarte a poner una cara sonriente
Smiley face
Cara sonriente
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
No te vayas al nuevo día sin bajar
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Aquí tienes un resumen de algo que te entristece
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Digamos por ejemplo mi novia, me molesta todo el tiempo
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Pero la ironía de todo es que ella me ama todo el tiempo
Oh see
Oh mira
I believe
Whenever I see you smiling
Siempre que te veo sonreír
'Cause excuse me
Porque discúlpame
One of the hardest things to do
Pero es fácilmente una de las cosas más difíciles de hacer
Your worries and fears become your friends
Tus preocupaciones y miedos se convierten en tus amigos
And they end up smiling at you
Y terminan sonriéndote
What a smiley face
Ponte una cara sonriente
But what did you do
Mais qu'as-tu fait
What did you say
Qu'as-tu dit
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh, as-tu marché ou as-tu fui
Where are you know
Où es-tu maintenant
Where have you been
Où étais-tu
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
Es-tu allé seul ou as-tu trouvé un ami
I need to know this
J'ai besoin de savoir cela
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Parce que j'ai remarqué que je souris simplement
How can the sun
Comment le soleil
Have any fun
Peut-il s'amuser
Feeling free
Se sentir libre
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
Et je peux te dire à quel point cette vie peut être dure
But you keep on smiling for me
Mais tu continues à sourire pour moi
So what went right
Alors qu'est-ce qui a bien marché
What went wrong
Qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné
Was it a story or was it a song
Était-ce une histoire ou était-ce une chanson
Was it over night
Est-ce arrivé du jour au lendemain
Or did it take you long
Ou cela t'a-t-il pris du temps
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
Est-ce que connaître ta faiblesse t'a rendu fort
For all the above
Pour tout ce qui précède
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh comme j'aime te voir sourire
An oh yeah
Et oh oui
Take a little pain just in case
Prends un peu de douleur juste au cas où
You need something want to embrace
Tu as besoin de quelque chose à embrasser
To help you put on a smiley face
Pour t'aider à afficher un visage souriant
Smiley face
Visage souriant
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Ne t'en vas pas dans le nouveau jour sans te laisser abattre
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Voici un résumé de quelque chose qui te rend triste
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Disons par exemple ma petite amie, elle m'ennuie tout le temps
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Mais l'ironie de tout cela, c'est qu'elle m'aime tout le temps
Oh see
Oh vois
I believe
Je crois
Whenever I see you smiling
Chaque fois que je te vois sourire
'Cause excuse me
Parce que excuse-moi
One of the hardest things to do
Mais c'est facilement l'une des choses les plus difficiles à faire
Your worries and fears become your friends
Tes soucis et tes peurs deviennent tes amis
And they end up smiling at you
Et ils finissent par te sourire
What a smiley face
Affiche un visage souriant
But what did you do
Aber was hast du getan
What did you say
Was hast du gesagt
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh, bist du gegangen oder bist du weggelaufen
Where are you know
Wo bist du jetzt
Where have you been
Wo warst du
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
Bist du alleine gegangen oder hast du einen Freund gefunden
I need to know this
Ich muss das wissen
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Denn ich habe bemerkt, dass ich nur lächle
How can the sun
Wie kann die Sonne
Have any fun
Spaß haben
Feeling free
Sich frei fühlen
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
Und ich kann dir sagen, wie hart dieses Leben sein kann
But you keep on smiling for me
Aber du lächelst weiter für mich
So what went right
Also, was lief gut
What went wrong
Was lief schief
Was it a story or was it a song
War es eine Geschichte oder war es ein Lied
Was it over night
War es über Nacht
Or did it take you long
Oder hat es lange gedauert
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
War es das Wissen um deine Schwäche, was dich stark gemacht hat
For all the above
Für all das oben Genannte
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh, wie ich es liebe, dich lächeln zu sehen
An oh yeah
Und oh ja
Take a little pain just in case
Nimm ein wenig Schmerz, nur für den Fall
You need something want to embrace
Du brauchst etwas, das du umarmen willst
To help you put on a smiley face
Um dir zu helfen, ein lächelndes Gesicht aufzusetzen
Smiley face
Lächelndes Gesicht
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Geh nicht in den neuen Tag, ohne dich niederzulassen
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Hier ist eine Zusammenfassung von etwas, das dich traurig macht
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Sagen wir zum Beispiel meine Freundin, sie nervt mich die ganze Zeit
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Aber die Ironie dabei ist, dass sie mich die ganze Zeit liebt
Oh see
Oh sieh
I believe
Ich glaube
Whenever I see you smiling
Immer wenn ich dich lächeln sehe
'Cause excuse me
Denn entschuldige
One of the hardest things to do
Aber es ist leicht eine der schwierigsten Dinge zu tun
Your worries and fears become your friends
Deine Sorgen und Ängste werden zu deinen Freunden
And they end up smiling at you
Und sie enden damit, dich anzulächeln
What a smiley face
Setz ein lächelndes Gesicht auf
But what did you do
Ma cosa hai fatto
What did you say
Cosa hai detto
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh hai camminato o sei scappato
Where are you know
Dove sei adesso
Where have you been
Dove sei stato
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
Sei andato da solo o hai trovato un amico
I need to know this
Ho bisogno di saperlo
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Perché ho notato che sto solo sorridendo
How can the sun
Come può il sole
Have any fun
Feeling free
Sentendosi libero
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
E posso dirti quanto può essere dura questa vita
But you keep on smiling for me
Ma continui a sorridere per me
So what went right
Quindi cosa è andato bene
What went wrong
Cosa è andato storto
Was it a story or was it a song
Era una storia o era una canzone
Was it over night
E' stato durante la notte
Or did it take you long
O ci hai messo molto
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
Era conoscere la tua debolezza ciò che ti ha reso forte
For all the above
Per tutto quanto sopra
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh come amo vederti sorridere
An oh yeah
E oh sì
Take a little pain just in case
Prendi un po' di dolore solo nel caso
You need something want to embrace
Hai bisogno di qualcosa che vuoi abbracciare
To help you put on a smiley face
Per aiutarti a mettere su un viso sorridente
Smiley face
Viso sorridente
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Non andare nel nuovo giorno senza abbatterti
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Ecco un riassunto di qualcosa che ti rende triste
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Diciamo per esempio la mia ragazza, mi dà fastidio tutto il tempo
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Ma l'ironia di tutto questo è che lei mi ama tutto il tempo
Oh see
Oh vedi
I believe
Io credo
Whenever I see you smiling
Ogni volta che ti vedo sorridere
'Cause excuse me
Perché scusami
One of the hardest things to do
Ma è facilmente una delle cose più difficili da fare
Your worries and fears become your friends
Le tue preoccupazioni e paure diventano i tuoi amici
And they end up smiling at you
E finiscono per sorridere a te
What a smiley face
Metti su un viso sorridente
But what did you do
Tapi apa yang kamu lakukan
What did you say
Apa yang kamu katakan
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Oh, apakah kamu berjalan atau kamu lari pergi
Where are you know
Dimana kamu sekarang
Where have you been
Dimana kamu telah berada
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
Apakah kamu pergi sendiri atau kamu menemukan seorang teman
I need to know this
Aku perlu tahu ini
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
Karena aku menyadari aku hanya tersenyum
How can the sun
Bagaimana bisa matahari
Have any fun
Berasa senang
Feeling free
Merasa bebas
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
Dan aku bisa memberitahumu betapa kerasnya hidup ini bisa menjadi
But you keep on smiling for me
Tapi kamu terus tersenyum untukku
So what went right
Jadi apa yang berjalan dengan baik
What went wrong
Apa yang berjalan salah
Was it a story or was it a song
Apakah itu sebuah cerita atau lagu
Was it over night
Apakah itu semalam
Or did it take you long
Atau apakah itu membuatmu lama
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
Apakah mengetahui kelemahanmu membuatmu kuat
For all the above
Untuk semua di atas
Oh how I love to see you smiling
Oh betapa aku suka melihatmu tersenyum
An oh yeah
Dan oh ya
Take a little pain just in case
Ambil sedikit rasa sakit hanya untuk berjaga-jaga
You need something want to embrace
Kamu butuh sesuatu yang ingin dipeluk
To help you put on a smiley face
Untuk membantumu memakai wajah yang tersenyum
Smiley face
Wajah tersenyum
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Jangan kamu pergi ke hari baru tanpa merasa sedih
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Berikut adalah ringkasan tentang sesuatu yang membuatmu sedih
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
Misalnya pacarku, dia selalu menggangguku
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Tapi ironisnya dari semua itu adalah dia mencintaiku sepanjang waktu
Oh see
Oh lihat
I believe
Aku percaya
Whenever I see you smiling
Setiap kali aku melihatmu tersenyum
'Cause excuse me
Karena maafkan aku
One of the hardest things to do
Tapi itu adalah salah satu hal terberat untuk dilakukan
Your worries and fears become your friends
Kekhawatiran dan ketakutanmu menjadi temanmu
And they end up smiling at you
Dan mereka akhirnya tersenyum padamu
What a smiley face
Pakai wajah yang tersenyum
But what did you do
What did you say
Oh did you walk or did you run away
โอ้ คุณเดินหรือคุณวิ่งหนี
Where are you know
Where have you been
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
I need to know this
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
How can the sun
Have any fun
Feeling free
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
But you keep on smiling for me
So what went right
What went wrong
Was it a story or was it a song
Was it over night
Or did it take you long
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
For all the above
Oh how I love to see you smiling
โอ้ ฉันรักที่จะเห็นคุณยิ้ม
An oh yeah
และโอ้ ใช่
Take a little pain just in case
You need something want to embrace
To help you put on a smiley face
Smiley face
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
พูดตามความเป็นจริง เช่น แฟนสาวของฉัน เธอทำให้ฉันรำคาญตลอดเวลา
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Oh see
โอ้ ดู
I believe
Whenever I see you smiling
'Cause excuse me
One of the hardest things to do
Your worries and fears become your friends
And they end up smiling at you
What a smiley face
But what did you do
What did you say
Oh did you walk or did you run away
Where are you know
Where have you been
Did you go alone or did you bring a friend
I need to know this
Coz I noticed I'm just smiling
How can the sun
Have any fun
Feeling free
And I can tell you know how hard this life can be
But you keep on smiling for me
So what went right
What went wrong
Was it a story or was it a song
Was it over night
Or did it take you long
Was knowing your weakness what made you strong
For all the above
Oh how I love to see you smiling
An oh yeah
Take a little pain just in case
You need something want to embrace
To help you put on a smiley face
Smiley face
Don't you go off into the new day without getting down
Here's a summary of something you get sad about
Say for instance my girlfriend she, bugs me all the time
But the irony of it all is that she loves me all the time
Oh see
I believe
Whenever I see you smiling
'Cause excuse me
One of the hardest things to do
Your worries and fears become your friends
And they end up smiling at you
What a smiley face

Curiosidades sobre a música Smiley Faces de Gnarls Barkley

Em quais álbuns a música “Smiley Faces” foi lançada por Gnarls Barkley?
Gnarls Barkley lançou a música nos álbums “St. Elsewhere” em 2006, “A Trip to St. Elsewhere: The Official Gnarls Barkley Mixtape” em 2006 e “Gnarls Barkley Cool Jazz Tribute” em 2007.
De quem é a composição da música “Smiley Faces” de Gnarls Barkley?
A música “Smiley Faces” de Gnarls Barkley foi composta por BRIAN JOSEPH BURTON, THOMAS CALLAWAY, THOMAS DECARLO CALLAWAY.

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