The One You Love

Glenn Frey, Jack Tempchin

Letra Tradução

I know you need a friend
Someone you can talk to
Who will understand what you're going through
When it comes to love
There's no easy answer
Only you can say what you're gonna do

I heard you on the phone
You took his number
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Isn't he the guy
The guy who left you crying
Isn't he the one who made you blue

When you remember those nights in his arms
You know you've gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above

What you gonna say when he comes over
There's no easy way to see this through
All the broken dreams
All the disappointments
Oh girl, what you gonna do

Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
But still you've gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above

I know you need a friend
Eu sei que você precisa de um amigo
Someone you can talk to
Alguém com quem você possa conversar
Who will understand what you're going through
Que vai entender o que você está passando
When it comes to love
Quando se trata de amor
There's no easy answer
Não há uma resposta fácil
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Só você pode dizer o que vai fazer
I heard you on the phone
Eu te ouvi no telefone
You took his number
Você pegou o número dele
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Disse que não estava sozinha, mas que ligaria para ele em breve
Isn't he the guy
Não é ele o cara
The guy who left you crying
O cara que te deixou chorando
Isn't he the one who made you blue
Não é ele quem te fez ficar triste
When you remember those nights in his arms
Quando você se lembra daquelas noites nos braços dele
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Você sabe que tem que tomar uma decisão
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Você vai ficar com o que te ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ou você vai voltar para o que você ama
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Alguém vai chorar quando souber que te perdeu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Alguém vai agradecer as estrelas acima
What you gonna say when he comes over
O que você vai dizer quando ele vier
There's no easy way to see this through
Não há uma maneira fácil de resolver isso
All the broken dreams
Todos os sonhos quebrados
All the disappointments
Todas as decepções
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh garota, o que você vai fazer
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Seu coração continua dizendo que isso não é justo
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Mas ainda assim você tem que tomar uma decisão
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Você vai ficar com o que te ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ou você vai voltar para o que você ama
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Alguém vai chorar quando souber que te perdeu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Alguém vai agradecer as estrelas acima
I know you need a friend
Sé que necesitas un amigo
Someone you can talk to
Alguien con quien puedas hablar
Who will understand what you're going through
Que entienda por lo que estás pasando
When it comes to love
Cuando se trata de amor
There's no easy answer
No hay una respuesta fácil
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Solo tú puedes decir qué vas a hacer
I heard you on the phone
Te escuché por teléfono
You took his number
Tomaste su número
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Dijiste que no estabas sola, pero que lo llamarías pronto
Isn't he the guy
¿No es él el chico
The guy who left you crying
El chico que te dejó llorando
Isn't he the one who made you blue
¿No es él quien te hizo sentir triste?
When you remember those nights in his arms
Cuando recuerdes esas noches en sus brazos
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Sabes que tienes que tomar una decisión
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
¿Vas a quedarte con el que te ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
O vas a volver con el que amas?
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Alguien va a llorar cuando sepa que te ha perdido
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Alguien va a agradecer a las estrellas de arriba
What you gonna say when he comes over
¿Qué vas a decir cuando él venga?
There's no easy way to see this through
No hay una manera fácil de ver esto
All the broken dreams
Todos los sueños rotos
All the disappointments
Todas las decepciones
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh chica, ¿qué vas a hacer?
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Tu corazón sigue diciendo que no es justo
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Pero aún así tienes que tomar una decisión
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
¿Vas a quedarte con el que te ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
O vas a volver con el que amas?
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Alguien va a llorar cuando sepa que te ha perdido
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Alguien va a agradecer a las estrellas de arriba
I know you need a friend
Je sais que tu as besoin d'un ami
Someone you can talk to
Quelqu'un à qui tu peux parler
Who will understand what you're going through
Qui comprendra ce que tu traverses
When it comes to love
Quand il s'agit d'amour
There's no easy answer
Il n'y a pas de réponse facile
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Seulement toi peux dire ce que tu vas faire
I heard you on the phone
Je t'ai entendu au téléphone
You took his number
Tu as pris son numéro
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Tu as dit que tu n'étais pas seule, mais que tu l'appellerais bientôt
Isn't he the guy
N'est-ce pas le gars
The guy who left you crying
Le gars qui t'a laissé pleurer
Isn't he the one who made you blue
N'est-ce pas celui qui t'a rendu triste
When you remember those nights in his arms
Quand tu te souviens de ces nuits dans ses bras
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Tu sais que tu dois te décider
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Vas-tu rester avec celui qui t'aime
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ou vas-tu retourner vers celui que tu aimes
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Quelqu'un va pleurer quand il apprendra qu'il t'a perdu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Quelqu'un va remercier les étoiles là-haut
What you gonna say when he comes over
Que vas-tu dire quand il viendra
There's no easy way to see this through
Il n'y a pas de moyen facile de voir cela
All the broken dreams
Tous les rêves brisés
All the disappointments
Toutes les déceptions
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh fille, que vas-tu faire
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Ton cœur continue de dire que ce n'est pas juste
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Mais tu dois quand même te décider
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Vas-tu rester avec celui qui t'aime
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ou vas-tu retourner vers celui que tu aimes
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Quelqu'un va pleurer quand il saura qu'il t'a perdu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Quelqu'un va remercier les étoiles là-haut
I know you need a friend
Ich weiß, du brauchst einen Freund
Someone you can talk to
Jemanden, mit dem du reden kannst
Who will understand what you're going through
Der verstehen wird, was du durchmachst
When it comes to love
Wenn es um Liebe geht
There's no easy answer
Gibt es keine einfache Antwort
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Nur du kannst sagen, was du tun wirst
I heard you on the phone
Ich habe dich am Telefon gehört
You took his number
Du hast seine Nummer genommen
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Sagtest, du wärst nicht allein, aber du würdest ihn bald anrufen
Isn't he the guy
Ist er nicht der Kerl
The guy who left you crying
Der Kerl, der dich zum Weinen gebracht hat
Isn't he the one who made you blue
Ist er nicht derjenige, der dich traurig gemacht hat
When you remember those nights in his arms
Wenn du dich an diese Nächte in seinen Armen erinnerst
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Weißt du, dass du dich entscheiden musst
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Wirst du bei dem bleiben, der dich liebt
Or are you going back to the one you love
Oder gehst du zurück zu dem, den du liebst
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Jemand wird weinen, wenn er erfährt, dass er dich verloren hat
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Jemand wird den Sternen oben danken
What you gonna say when he comes over
Was wirst du sagen, wenn er vorbeikommt
There's no easy way to see this through
Es gibt keinen einfachen Weg, das durchzustehen
All the broken dreams
All die zerbrochenen Träume
All the disappointments
All die Enttäuschungen
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh Mädchen, was wirst du tun
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Dein Herz sagt immer wieder, dass es einfach nicht fair ist
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Aber trotzdem musst du dich entscheiden
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Wirst du bei dem bleiben, der dich liebt
Or are you going back to the one you love
Oder gehst du zurück zu dem, den du liebst
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Jemand wird weinen, wenn er weiß, dass er dich verloren hat
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Jemand wird den Sternen oben danken
I know you need a friend
So che hai bisogno di un amico
Someone you can talk to
Qualcuno con cui parlare
Who will understand what you're going through
Che capirà quello che stai passando
When it comes to love
Quando si tratta d'amore
There's no easy answer
Non c'è una risposta facile
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Solo tu puoi dire cosa farai
I heard you on the phone
Ti ho sentito al telefono
You took his number
Hai preso il suo numero
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Hai detto che non eri sola, ma che lo avresti chiamato presto
Isn't he the guy
Non è lui il ragazzo
The guy who left you crying
Il ragazzo che ti ha fatto piangere
Isn't he the one who made you blue
Non è lui quello che ti ha reso triste
When you remember those nights in his arms
Quando ti ricordi quelle notti tra le sue braccia
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Sai che devi prendere una decisione
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Resterai con quello che ti ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
O tornerai da quello che ami
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Qualcuno piangerà quando scoprirà di averti perso
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Qualcuno ringrazierà le stelle lassù
What you gonna say when he comes over
Cosa dirai quando verrà da te
There's no easy way to see this through
Non c'è un modo facile per affrontare tutto questo
All the broken dreams
Tutti i sogni infranti
All the disappointments
Tutte le delusioni
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh ragazza, cosa farai
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Il tuo cuore continua a dire che non è giusto
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Ma devi comunque prendere una decisione
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Resterai con quello che ti ama
Or are you going back to the one you love
O tornerai da quello che ami
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Qualcuno piangerà quando saprà di averti perso
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Qualcuno ringrazierà le stelle lassù
I know you need a friend
Aku tahu kamu butuh seorang teman
Someone you can talk to
Seseorang yang bisa kamu ajak bicara
Who will understand what you're going through
Yang akan mengerti apa yang sedang kamu alami
When it comes to love
Saat berbicara tentang cinta
There's no easy answer
Tidak ada jawaban yang mudah
Only you can say what you're gonna do
Hanya kamu yang bisa bilang apa yang akan kamu lakukan
I heard you on the phone
Aku mendengar kamu di telepon
You took his number
Kamu mengambil nomornya
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Kamu bilang kamu tidak sendirian, tapi kamu akan meneleponnya segera
Isn't he the guy
Bukankah dia orangnya
The guy who left you crying
Orang yang membuatmu menangis
Isn't he the one who made you blue
Bukankah dia orang yang membuatmu sedih
When you remember those nights in his arms
Ketika kamu mengingat malam-malam di pelukannya
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Kamu tahu kamu harus memutuskan
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Apakah kamu akan tetap bersama orang yang mencintaimu
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ataukah kamu akan kembali pada orang yang kamu cintai
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Seseorang akan menangis ketika mereka tahu mereka telah kehilanganmu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Seseorang akan berterima kasih pada bintang-bintang di atas
What you gonna say when he comes over
Apa yang akan kamu katakan ketika dia datang
There's no easy way to see this through
Tidak ada cara mudah untuk melihat ini selesai
All the broken dreams
Semua mimpi yang hancur
All the disappointments
Semua kekecewaan
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Oh gadis, apa yang akan kamu lakukan
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
Hatimu terus berkata ini tidak adil
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Tapi tetap saja kamu harus memutuskan
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Apakah kamu akan tetap bersama orang yang mencintaimu
Or are you going back to the one you love
Ataukah kamu akan kembali pada orang yang kamu cintai
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Seseorang akan menangis ketika mereka tahu mereka telah kehilanganmu
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
Seseorang akan berterima kasih pada bintang-bintang di atas
I know you need a friend
Someone you can talk to
Who will understand what you're going through
When it comes to love
There's no easy answer
Only you can say what you're gonna do
I heard you on the phone
You took his number
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
บอกว่าคุณไม่ได้อยู่คนเดียว แต่คุณจะโทรหาเขาเร็วๆนี้
Isn't he the guy
The guy who left you crying
Isn't he the one who made you blue
When you remember those nights in his arms
เมื่อคุณรำลึกถึงคืนๆ ที่อยู่ในแขนของเขา
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
What you gonna say when he comes over
There's no easy way to see this through
All the broken dreams
All the disappointments
Oh girl, what you gonna do
โอ้สาว คุณจะทำอะไร
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
I know you need a friend
Someone you can talk to
Who will understand what you're going through
When it comes to love
There's no easy answer
Only you can say what you're gonna do
I heard you on the phone
You took his number
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Isn't he the guy
The guy who left you crying
Isn't he the one who made you blue
When you remember those nights in his arms
You know you've gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above
What you gonna say when he comes over
There's no easy way to see this through
All the broken dreams
All the disappointments
Oh girl, what you gonna do
Your heart keeps saying it's just not fair
But still you've gotta make up your mind
Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you going back to the one you love
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above

Curiosidades sobre a música The One You Love de Glenn Frey

Em quais álbuns a música “The One You Love” foi lançada por Glenn Frey?
Glenn Frey lançou a música nos álbums “No Fun Aloud” em 1982, “Solo Collection” em 1995, “Classic Glenn Frey: The Universal Masters Collection” em 2001 e “Live” em 2012.
De quem é a composição da música “The One You Love” de Glenn Frey?
A música “The One You Love” de Glenn Frey foi composta por Glenn Frey, Jack Tempchin.

Músicas mais populares de Glenn Frey

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