The Way I Think Of You Will Never Change
Nail marks in your palm that you can’t see yet
Cut back but they always do the trick
I’m swimming through lakes (skin depressed and then raised)
Introductions remade, and remade again
I’m puzzle pieces from different sets forced to fit
Not what it looks like / Not what it is
It’s a funhouse maze (introductions remade)
It’s a mirrored place
‘Oh, it’s nothing’
You love how it works, but never ask how it’s made
A place you can’t find on a map, a name you can’t even say
Something to take to make it easy (something to take to make it end)
And in the morning, hope I don’t turn back into myself again
The way I think of you will never change
The way I think of you will never change
The way you’ll never understand
The thing I could never explain