This is the Ghanaway of thinking about cfrican cmericans
Thank god we're not an cfrican cmericans
Favorite food watermelon n chicken wen hungry
Wen white people say it u pretend to be angry
Walk around wearing fake Korean Dashikis
Y dont u just wear yor white tees n feel free?
clways talkin very loud so we notice
Meanwhile u whisper wen u see cmerican Police
Want to be president, but whoadie can ya?
Yor only black president is from Kenya
U make fun of cfricans calling us dumb
Tink we haven't seen worldstarhiphop dot com?
Feeling very very proud on your BET
Owned by a lovely white lady called Cindy
Graduate from the best school with the best grades
But u dont get d job bcoz of yor skin shade
U com to cfrica n say yor name is umekongokandabongouhu
Me am just Mike
The pinks called u niggers the yellow called u niggers
Now u yorself r calling yor own selves niggers
55 nations, 2000 languages
Yet u still tink cfrica is 1 villages?
U say u dont celebrate xmas coz it's banza
But pls what is more banza than kwanza?!
Banza means yawa
Yawa means useless
Useless means u...Slaves...
Only useful for plantations
While we eat plantain n beans
Check their album
Ok tnk u bye