It's Four In The Morning


Letra Tradução

It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
How much better off she would be

The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
The harder that it's gonna be
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me

I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
That's the last thing that I want to do
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
But I know too well what she's going through

If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
The right thing and just let her be
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me

Last night, I told her this time it's all over
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
Than most foolish men will ever see
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me

It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
São quatro da manhã e mais uma vez o amanhecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar o desejo em mim
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
Desejando nunca tê-la conhecido, sabendo que se eu a esquecesse
How much better off she would be
Quanto melhor ela estaria
The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
Quanto mais eu me agarro e quanto mais isso continua
The harder that it's gonna be
Mais difícil vai ser
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Mas são quatro da manhã e mais uma vez o amanhecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar o desejo em mim
I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
Eu nunca a mereci, Deus sabe quando eu a machuquei
That's the last thing that I want to do
Essa é a última coisa que eu quero fazer
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
Ela tenta, mas não consegue dizer como se sente
But I know too well what she's going through
Mas eu sei muito bem pelo que ela está passando
If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
Se eu a amo tanto, não sei por que não consigo
The right thing and just let her be
Fazer a coisa certa e apenas deixá-la em paz
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Mas são quatro da manhã e mais uma vez o amanhecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar o desejo em mim
Last night, I told her this time it's all over
Na noite passada, eu disse a ela que desta vez acabou
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Fazendo dez vezes que eu disse adeus a ela
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
Na noite passada nós terminamos, esta manhã eu acordei
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
E pela décima vez estou mudando de ideia
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
Eu vi mais amor em seus olhos quando a deixei
Than most foolish men will ever see
Do que a maioria dos homens tolos jamais verá
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
E são quatro da manhã e mais uma vez o amanhecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar o desejo em mim
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
São quatro da manhã e mais uma vez o amanhecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar o desejo em mim
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Son las cuatro de la mañana y una vez más el amanecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar el deseo en mí
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
Deseando nunca haberla conocido, sabiendo si la olvidara
How much better off she would be
Cuánto mejor estaría ella
The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
Cuanto más me aferro y más tiempo pasa
The harder that it's gonna be
Más difícil va a ser
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Pero son las cuatro de la mañana y una vez más el amanecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar el deseo en mí
I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
Nunca la he merecido, Dios sabe cuándo la lastimé
That's the last thing that I want to do
Eso es lo último que quiero hacer
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
Ella intenta pero no puede decir cómo se siente
But I know too well what she's going through
Pero yo sé muy bien por lo que está pasando
If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
Si la amo tanto, no sé por qué no puedo
The right thing and just let her be
Hacer lo correcto y simplemente dejarla ser
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Pero son las cuatro de la mañana y una vez más el amanecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar el deseo en mí
Last night, I told her this time it's all over
Anoche, le dije que esta vez se acabó
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Haciendo diez veces que le he dicho adiós
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
Anoche rompimos, esta mañana me desperté
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
Y por décima vez estoy cambiando de opinión
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
Vi más amor en sus ojos cuando la dejé
Than most foolish men will ever see
Que el que la mayoría de los hombres tontos jamás verán
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Y son las cuatro de la mañana y una vez más el amanecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar el deseo en mí
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Son las cuatro de la mañana y una vez más el amanecer
Just woke up the wanting in me
Acaba de despertar el deseo en mí
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Il est quatre heures du matin et une fois de plus l'aube
Just woke up the wanting in me
Vient de réveiller le désir en moi
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
Souhaitant ne jamais l'avoir rencontrée, sachant que si je l'oubliais
How much better off she would be
Elle serait bien mieux sans moi
The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
Plus je m'accroche et plus cela dure
The harder that it's gonna be
Plus cela va être difficile
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Mais il est quatre heures du matin et une fois de plus l'aube
Just woke up the wanting in me
Vient de réveiller le désir en moi
I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
Je ne l'ai jamais méritée, Dieu sait quand je lui fais du mal
That's the last thing that I want to do
C'est la dernière chose que je veux faire
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
Elle essaie mais elle ne peut pas dire comment elle se sent
But I know too well what she's going through
Mais je sais trop bien ce qu'elle traverse
If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
Si je l'aime tant, je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne peux pas
The right thing and just let her be
Faire la bonne chose et la laisser tranquille
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Mais il est quatre heures du matin et une fois de plus l'aube
Just woke up the wanting in me
Vient de réveiller le désir en moi
Last night, I told her this time it's all over
Hier soir, je lui ai dit que cette fois c'est fini
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Cela fait dix fois que je lui dis au revoir
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
Hier soir nous nous sommes séparés, ce matin je me suis réveillé
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
Et pour la dixième fois je change d'avis
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
J'ai vu plus d'amour dans ses yeux quand je l'ai quittée
Than most foolish men will ever see
Que la plupart des hommes insensés ne verront jamais
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Et il est quatre heures du matin et une fois de plus l'aube
Just woke up the wanting in me
Vient de réveiller le désir en moi
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Il est quatre heures du matin et une fois de plus l'aube
Just woke up the wanting in me
Vient de réveiller le désir en moi
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Es ist vier Uhr morgens und wieder einmal hat das Erwachen
Just woke up the wanting in me
In mir das Verlangen geweckt
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
Wünschte, ich hätte sie nie getroffen, wüsste, wenn ich sie vergessen würde
How much better off she would be
Wie viel besser es für sie wäre
The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
Je länger ich festhalte und je länger das andauert
The harder that it's gonna be
Desto schwieriger wird es werden
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Aber es ist vier Uhr morgens und wieder einmal hat das Erwachen
Just woke up the wanting in me
In mir das Verlangen geweckt
I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
Ich habe sie nie verdient, Gott weiß, wann ich sie verletzt habe
That's the last thing that I want to do
Das ist das Letzte, was ich tun möchte
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
Sie versucht es, aber sie kann nicht sagen, wie sie sich fühlt
But I know too well what she's going through
Aber ich weiß nur zu gut, was sie durchmacht
If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
Wenn ich sie so sehr liebe, weiß ich nicht, warum ich nicht
The right thing and just let her be
Das Richtige tun und sie einfach in Ruhe lassen kann
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Aber es ist vier Uhr morgens und wieder einmal hat das Erwachen
Just woke up the wanting in me
In mir das Verlangen geweckt
Last night, I told her this time it's all over
Gestern Nacht habe ich ihr gesagt, dass diesmal alles vorbei ist
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Das macht zehn Mal, dass ich ihr Lebewohl gesagt habe
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
Gestern Nacht haben wir uns getrennt, heute Morgen bin ich aufgewacht
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
Und zum zehnten Mal ändere ich meine Meinung
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
Ich sah mehr Liebe in ihren Augen, als ich sie verließ
Than most foolish men will ever see
Als die meisten törichten Männer jemals sehen werden
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Und es ist vier Uhr morgens und wieder einmal hat das Erwachen
Just woke up the wanting in me
In mir das Verlangen geweckt
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Es ist vier Uhr morgens und wieder einmal hat das Erwachen
Just woke up the wanting in me
In mir das Verlangen geweckt
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Sono le quattro del mattino e ancora una volta l'alba
Just woke up the wanting in me
Ha appena risvegliato il desiderio in me
Wishing I'd never met her, knowing if I'd forget her
Desiderando di non averla mai incontrata, sapendo che se la dimenticassi
How much better off she would be
Quanto sarebbe meglio per lei
The longer I hold on and the longer this goes on
Più mi aggrappo e più questo continua
The harder that it's gonna be
Più sarà difficile
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Ma sono le quattro del mattino e ancora una volta l'alba
Just woke up the wanting in me
Ha appena risvegliato il desiderio in me
I've never deserved her, God knows when I hurt her
Non l'ho mai meritata, Dio sa quando l'ho ferita
That's the last thing that I want to do
Quest'ultima cosa che voglio fare
She tries but she can't tell how she feels
Lei prova ma non riesce a dire come si sente
But I know too well what she's going through
Ma io so troppo bene cosa sta passando
If I love her so much, I don't know why I can't do
Se la amo così tanto, non so perché non riesco a fare
The right thing and just let her be
La cosa giusta e lasciarla stare
But it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Ma sono le quattro del mattino e ancora una volta l'alba
Just woke up the wanting in me
Ha appena risvegliato il desiderio in me
Last night, I told her this time it's all over
La scorsa notte, le ho detto che questa volta è tutto finito
Making ten times I've told her goodbye
Facendo dieci volte che le ho detto addio
Last night we broke up, this morning I woke up
La scorsa notte ci siamo lasciati, questa mattina mi sono svegliato
And for the tenth time I'm changing my mind
E per la decima volta sto cambiando idea
I saw more love in her eyes when I left her
Ho visto più amore nei suoi occhi quando l'ho lasciata
Than most foolish men will ever see
Di quanto la maggior parte degli uomini sciocchi vedrà mai
And it's four in the morning and once more the dawning
E sono le quattro del mattino e ancora una volta l'alba
Just woke up the wanting in me
Ha appena risvegliato il desiderio in me
It's four in the morning and once more the dawning
Sono le quattro del mattino e ancora una volta l'alba
Just woke up the wanting in me
Ha appena risvegliato il desiderio in me

Curiosidades sobre a música It's Four In The Morning de Faron Young

Em quais álbuns a música “It's Four In The Morning” foi lançada por Faron Young?
Faron Young lançou a música nos álbums “It’s Four In The Morning” em 1972, “The Best Of Faron Young Vol. 2 ” em 1977, “20 Great Hits” em 1977, “Live In Branson, MO, USA” em 1993, “Hello Walls” em 1995, “All American Country” em 2000, “Faron Young's It's Four In The Morning” em 2006, “The Very Best Of” em 2007, “All Time Greatest Hits” em 2008, “American Country - Faron Young” em 2010, “When Two Worlds Collide” em 2010, “30 Succès inoubliables : Faron Young” em 2012 e “The Hits” em 2012.
De quem é a composição da música “It's Four In The Morning” de Faron Young?
A música “It's Four In The Morning” de Faron Young foi composta por JERRY CHESNUT.

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