Chants du Roussillon: II. De matinet me vaig llevar

Paul Reade

"De matinet me vaig llevar
De matinet que bon solfa
Sentô cantâ un rossinyol
Que cantava à l'olivar
Ai! De bones amores
Ai! Que mai les haurias d'oblidar!

Ai! Rossinyol, bon rossinyol
Ai! Quin consell me vols donar?
De tres aimadors que ne tinch
L'amor, a quin lo puch dar?...

E si la donas al parair'
La llana te farà cardar!
- Malhaja l'amor dels homes
Qui la vol y la voldrà!

I get up early
To a morning full of sunshine
I still hear the nightingale
Who was singing under the olive trees
Ah, I have loved so well
Better that I forget them all

Tell me, nightingale, good nightingale
What advice do you want to give me?
To which of my three suitors
Can I give my love?

If you give it to the cloth-maker
He will make you card wool!
- A pest on the love of men,
Give it to the one who wants it and will be true to you"

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