Everyday I Write the Book

Elvis Costello

Letra Tradução

Don't tell me you don't know what love is
When you're old enough to know better
When you find strange hands in your sweater
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions

And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three

But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Five and Six.
And I'm giving you a longing look
The way you walk
The way you talk and try to kiss me
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Are captured here in my quotation marks.

And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Between a lover and a fighter
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.

And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Everyday I write the book

Don't tell me you don't know what love is
Não me diga que você não sabe o que é amor
When you're old enough to know better
Quando você é velho o suficiente para saber melhor
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Quando você encontra mãos estranhas em seu suéter
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Quando seu sonho se revela ser uma nota de rodapé
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Eu sou um homem com uma missão em duas ou três edições
And I'm giving you a longing look
E eu estou te dando um olhar de desejo
Todos os dias
Todos os dias
Everyday I write the book
Todos os dias eu escrevo o livro
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Capítulo Um: Nós realmente não nos dávamos bem
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Capítulo Dois: Acho que me apaixonei por você
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Você disse que ficaria comigo no meio do Capítulo Três
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Mas você estava de volta aos seus velhos truques nos Capítulos Quatro
Five and Six.
Cinco e Seis.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E eu estou te dando um olhar de desejo
The way you walk
O jeito que você anda
The way you talk and try to kiss me
O jeito que você fala e tenta me beijar
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
E ri em quatro ou cinco parágrafos.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Todos os seus elogios e suas observações cortantes
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Estão capturados aqui nas minhas aspas.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E eu estou te dando um olhar de desejo
Everyday I write the book
Todos os dias eu escrevo o livro
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Não me diga que você não sabe a diferença
Between a lover and a fighter
Entre um amante e um lutador
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Com minha caneta e minha máquina de escrever elétrica
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Mesmo em um mundo perfeito onde todos fossem iguais
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Eu ainda possuiria os direitos do filme e estaria trabalhando na sequência.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E eu estou te dando um olhar de desejo
Todos os dias
Todos os dias
Everyday I write the book
Todos os dias eu escrevo o livro
Todos os dias
Todos os dias
Todos os dias
Everyday I write the book
Todos os dias eu escrevo o livro
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
No me digas que no sabes lo que es el amor
When you're old enough to know better
Cuando eres lo suficientemente mayor para saberlo
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Cuando encuentras manos extrañas en tu suéter
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Cuando tu sueño resulta ser una nota al pie
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Soy un hombre con una misión en dos o tres ediciones
And I'm giving you a longing look
Y te estoy dando una mirada anhelante
Todos los días
Todos los días
Everyday I write the book
Todos los días escribo el libro
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Capítulo Uno: Realmente no nos llevábamos bien
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Capítulo Dos: Creo que me enamoré de ti
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Dijiste que estarías a mi lado en medio del Capítulo Tres
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Pero estabas en tus viejos trucos en los Capítulos Cuatro
Five and Six.
Cinco y Seis.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Y te estoy dando una mirada anhelante
The way you walk
La forma en que caminas
The way you talk and try to kiss me
La forma en que hablas e intentas besarme
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
Y ríes en cuatro o cinco párrafos.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Todos tus cumplidos y tus comentarios cortantes
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Están capturados aquí en mis comillas.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Y te estoy dando una mirada anhelante
Everyday I write the book
Todos los días escribo el libro
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
No me digas que no sabes la diferencia
Between a lover and a fighter
Entre un amante y un luchador
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Con mi pluma y mi máquina de escribir eléctrica
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Incluso en un mundo perfecto donde todos fueran iguales
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Todavía poseería los derechos de la película y estaría trabajando en la secuela.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Y te estoy dando una mirada anhelante
Todos los días
Todos los días
Everyday I write the book
Todos los días escribo el libro
Todos los días
Todos los días
Todos los días
Everyday I write the book
Todos los días escribo el libro
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
Ne me dis pas que tu ne sais pas ce qu'est l'amour
When you're old enough to know better
Quand tu es assez vieux pour mieux savoir
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Quand tu trouves des mains étranges dans ton pull
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Quand ton rêve se révèle être une note de bas de page
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Je suis un homme avec une mission sur deux ou trois éditions
And I'm giving you a longing look
Et je te donne un regard plein de désir
Chaque jour
Chaque jour
Everyday I write the book
Chaque jour j'écris le livre
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Chapitre Un : Nous ne nous entendions pas vraiment
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Chapitre Deux : Je pense être tombé amoureux de toi
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Tu as dit que tu serais à mes côtés au milieu du Chapitre Trois
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Mais tu étais à tes vieilles ruses dans les Chapitres Quatre
Five and Six.
Cinq et Six.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Et je te donne un regard plein de désir
The way you walk
La façon dont tu marches
The way you talk and try to kiss me
La façon dont tu parles et essaies de m'embrasser
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
Et ris en quatre ou cinq paragraphes.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Tous tes compliments et tes remarques acerbes
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Sont capturés ici dans mes guillemets.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Et je te donne un regard plein de désir
Everyday I write the book
Chaque jour j'écris le livre
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Ne me dis pas que tu ne connais pas la différence
Between a lover and a fighter
Entre un amoureux et un combattant
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Avec mon stylo et ma machine à écrire électrique
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Même dans un monde parfait où tout le monde serait égal
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Je posséderais toujours les droits du film et travaillerais sur la suite.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Et je te donne un regard plein de désir
Chaque jour
Chaque jour
Everyday I write the book
Chaque jour j'écris le livre
Chaque jour
Chaque jour
Chaque jour
Everyday I write the book
Chaque jour j'écris le livre
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
Sag mir nicht, dass du nicht weißt, was Liebe ist
When you're old enough to know better
Wenn du alt genug bist, um es besser zu wissen
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Wenn du fremde Hände in deinem Pullover findest
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Wenn dein Traumboot sich als Fußnote herausstellt
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Ich bin ein Mann mit einer Mission in zwei oder drei Ausgaben
And I'm giving you a longing look
Und ich werfe dir einen sehnsüchtigen Blick zu
Jeden Tag
Jeden Tag
Everyday I write the book
Jeden Tag schreibe ich das Buch
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Kapitel Eins: Wir haben uns nicht wirklich verstanden
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Kapitel Zwei: Ich glaube, ich habe mich in dich verliebt
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Du sagtest, du würdest bei mir stehen in der Mitte von Kapitel Drei
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Aber du warst wieder bei deinen alten Tricks in Kapitel Vier
Five and Six.
Fünf und Sechs.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Und ich werfe dir einen sehnsüchtigen Blick zu
The way you walk
Die Art, wie du gehst
The way you talk and try to kiss me
Die Art, wie du sprichst und versuchst, mich zu küssen
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
Und in vier oder fünf Absätzen lachst
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
All deine Komplimente und deine scharfen Bemerkungen
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Sind hier in meinen Anführungszeichen festgehalten
And I'm giving you a longing look
Und ich werfe dir einen sehnsüchtigen Blick zu
Everyday I write the book
Jeden Tag schreibe ich das Buch
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Sag mir nicht, dass du den Unterschied nicht kennst
Between a lover and a fighter
Zwischen einem Liebhaber und einem Kämpfer
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Mit meiner Feder und meiner elektrischen Schreibmaschine
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Selbst in einer perfekten Welt, in der alle gleich wären
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Würde ich immer noch die Filmrechte besitzen und an der Fortsetzung arbeiten
And I'm giving you a longing look
Und ich werfe dir einen sehnsüchtigen Blick zu
Jeden Tag
Jeden Tag
Everyday I write the book
Jeden Tag schreibe ich das Buch
Jeden Tag
Jeden Tag
Jeden Tag
Everyday I write the book
Jeden Tag schreibe ich das Buch
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
Non dirmi che non sai cosa sia l'amore
When you're old enough to know better
Quando sei abbastanza grande da saperlo
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Quando trovi mani estranee nel tuo maglione
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Quando il tuo sogno si rivela essere una nota a piè di pagina
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Sono un uomo con una missione su due o tre edizioni
And I'm giving you a longing look
E ti sto dando uno sguardo pieno di desiderio
Ogni giorno
Ogni giorno
Everyday I write the book
Ogni giorno scrivo il libro
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Capitolo Uno: Non ci siamo davvero intesi
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Capitolo Due: Penso di essermi innamorato di te
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Hai detto che saresti stata al mio fianco nel mezzo del Capitolo Tre
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Ma eri tornata ai tuoi vecchi trucchi nei Capitoli Quattro
Five and Six.
Cinque e Sei.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E ti sto dando uno sguardo pieno di desiderio
The way you walk
Il modo in cui cammini
The way you talk and try to kiss me
Il modo in cui parli e cerchi di baciarmi
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
E ridi in quattro o cinque paragrafi.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Tutti i tuoi complimenti e le tue osservazioni taglienti
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Sono catturati qui tra le mie virgolette.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E ti sto dando uno sguardo pieno di desiderio
Everyday I write the book
Ogni giorno scrivo il libro
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Non dirmi che non conosci la differenza
Between a lover and a fighter
Tra un amante e un combattente
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Con la mia penna e la mia macchina da scrivere elettrica
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Anche in un mondo perfetto dove tutti sono uguali
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Possederei ancora i diritti del film e starei lavorando al sequel.
And I'm giving you a longing look
E ti sto dando uno sguardo pieno di desiderio
Ogni giorno
Ogni giorno
Everyday I write the book
Ogni giorno scrivo il libro
Ogni giorno
Ogni giorno
Ogni giorno
Everyday I write the book
Ogni giorno scrivo il libro
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
Jangan bilang padaku kamu tidak tahu apa itu cinta
When you're old enough to know better
Ketika kamu sudah cukup tua untuk tahu yang lebih baik
When you find strange hands in your sweater
Ketika kamu menemukan tangan asing di sweatermu
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
Ketika kapal impianmu ternyata hanya catatan kaki
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
Aku adalah seorang pria dengan misi dalam dua atau tiga edisi
And I'm giving you a longing look
Dan aku memberimu tatapan rindu
Setiap hari
Setiap hari
Everyday I write the book
Setiap hari aku menulis buku
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Bab Satu: Kita tidak benar-benar akur
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
Bab Dua: Aku pikir aku jatuh cinta padamu
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
Kamu bilang kamu akan berdiri di sisiku di tengah Bab Tiga
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Tapi kamu kembali ke trik lama di Bab Empat
Five and Six.
Lima dan Enam.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Dan aku memberimu tatapan rindu
The way you walk
Caramu berjalan
The way you talk and try to kiss me
Caramu berbicara dan mencoba menciumku
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
Dan tertawa dalam empat atau lima paragraf.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Semua pujianmu dan komentar pedasmu
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
Tertangkap di sini dalam tanda kutipku.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Dan aku memberimu tatapan rindu
Everyday I write the book
Setiap hari aku menulis buku
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Jangan bilang padaku kamu tidak tahu perbedaannya
Between a lover and a fighter
Antara seorang kekasih dan pejuang
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Dengan pena dan mesin tik elektrikku
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
Bahkan di dunia yang sempurna di mana semua orang setara
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
Aku masih memiliki hak cipta film dan sedang mengerjakan sekuelnya.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Dan aku memberimu tatapan rindu
Setiap hari
Setiap hari
Everyday I write the book
Setiap hari aku menulis buku
Setiap hari
Setiap hari
Setiap hari
Everyday I write the book
Setiap hari aku menulis buku
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
When you're old enough to know better
When you find strange hands in your sweater
เมื่อคุณพบมือแปลกๆ ในเสื้อของคุณ
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
บทที่หนึ่ง: เราไม่ได้รับรู้กันจริงๆ
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
บทที่สอง: ฉันคิดว่าฉันตกหลุมรักคุณ
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Five and Six.
And I'm giving you a longing look
The way you walk
The way you talk and try to kiss me
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Between a lover and a fighter
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Everyday I write the book
Don't tell me you don't know what love is
When you're old enough to know better
When you find strange hands in your sweater
When your dreamboat turns out to be a footnote
I'm a man with a mission on two or three editions
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Chapter One: We didn't really get along
Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you
You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three
But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four
Five and Six.
And I'm giving you a longing look
The way you walk
The way you talk and try to kiss me
And laugh in four or five paragraphs.
All your compliments and your cutting remarks
Are captured here in my quotation marks.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Don't tell me you don't know the difference
Between a lover and a fighter
With my pen and my electric typewriter
Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal
I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
And I'm giving you a longing look
Everyday I write the book
Everyday I write the book

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