Wind Of Love
I put my sails in the air
I'm Yours, just take me anywhere
I'm casting all my cares
So You can take me anywhere
Just let the wind of love blow
Spirit, come and take control
And it doesn't matter where we go
Just let the wind of love blow, yeah
'Cause I put my trust in the Lord
I won't let fear keep me on the shores
May I venture out into the deep
Confident that You won't let me sink
But You'll let the wind of love blow
Spirit, come and take control
It doesn't matter where we go
Just let the wind of love blow
Say, let the wind
Let the wind of love blow
Breathe on us
Spirit, come and take control
And it doesn't matter where we go
Just let the wind of love blow
Spirit breathe
Spirit breathe
Spirit of the living God, breathe on us
Thank You Holy Spirit, just breathe
We trust You
We don't care how violent the waves get
And I won't lean on my own understanding
I trust that You won't ever leave me stranded
Fully souled out, hands high and heart abandoned
In the unknown, I will follow
I won't lean on my own understanding
I trust You won't ever leave me stranded
Won't leave me sinking in the waves
Fully souled out, hands high and heart abandoned
In the unknown
I know You'll let the wind of love blow
Spirit come and take control
Come and have Your way, come and have Your way
It doesn't matter where we go
It doesn't matter where we, I'm following You
Just let the wind of love blow
Let it blow, let it blow
And I won't
And I won't lean on my own understanding
I will lean on Jesus
I trust You won't ever leave me stranded
The unchanging hand, the unchanging God
Fully souled out, hands high and heart abandoned
In the unknown, I will follow
I won't lean on my own understanding
I'm leaning on burnt foundation
I trust that You won't ever leave me stranded
You won't leave me stranded
Fully souled out, hands high and heart abandoned
In the unknown
I put my sails in the air
I'm Yours, just take me anywhere
I put my sails in the air
I'm Yours, just take me anywhere